I'm totally bullet-pointing this entry, because everything is random.
** Okay, yes, it has been a while since I've updated. However, I totally have an excuse. I have been in the classroom like CRAZY lately. The last three weeks, I've taught for 40-50 hours each week. Not just working... teaching, on my feet...feeling sorry for me yet? My new thing to say is that I've "been on location." I think that just sounds so much more - um, important. So, that's what I've been doing.
** I'm very dizzy today. Not DITZY, Dad. DIZZY. I don't know what is going on. This baby is taking all the heat from my body. It's 100 degrees outside and I'm cold, and dizzy. Oh well - it's a good thing I'm not "on location" today. I get to walk around the house falling over.
** I just found out that I have another secret stalker reader. So, I'd like to give a shout out to Sharon (and all my other SSRs). I haven't seen you in forever, Sharon - hope you are doing well. You do know that I had to have a baby just because of Amy! Thanks a lot!
** Dipstick Update: So, I'm 17 weeks along now. It will be 18 tomorrow. Wow, time is totally flying! And just the other night, I felt a flutter. The only reason I knew that it was the baby is because it was something totally different than I've ever felt before and I read it in a book. :-) It's kind of a mix between a quick cramp and a minor gas pain. It's really cool. I'll probably tell the doctor and he'll be like - "girl - it's seriously just a cramp and a gas pain." But until then, I'll just believe it's the baby. It happens every day now at about 4pm a couple of times. It's cool. Either way, I just can't wait until I can sit there and watch my tummy move because the baby is stretching out. I probably won't like it when it's feet are in my ribs, but...oh well.
** Lastly... JD and I have been discussing the nursery. We were going to do Curious George, then just primary colors, then....well, we went through the list of options, but never really settled on anything. UNTIL, Ernie (JD's Dad) gave us a picture. Years ago, Ernie was an Art Teacher and one of his students did a painting on canvas for him. It's of JD and Paul (JD's older brother). Anyway, he sent it with Paul to our house and we absolutely love it. So, that is going to be the start of our nursery. Does anyone have ANY ideas as to how we can use it and build off of it? I'm willing to paint the nursery, add stripes, etc. Do whatever! I'm now happy that we have something to go on...and something to means something to JD. By the way - it's 3 ft x 3 1/2 ft.
Here is the picture...

Girl, that's no gas..it's the baby fo sho. We want to feel it so bad but not sure if it is. I'm telling you it is him/her kicking!!! In about 3 weeks you will be like OH yeah that's for sure a kick!
I can see my belly moving and it doesn't hurt but man is it weird to watch! I like to set the remote on my belly and watch it rock back and forth. I will miss that.
And you're right it is flying by, weren't you just 9 weeks??? Are you still not going to find out what it is? You're at that point where you could right now, you know!! You have patience girl, I wouldn't be able to wait!!!
Interesting painting. Good luck trying to decorate with that. I have no good ideas. Sorry!
I'm so glad you verified it, Alicia! How exciting! And yes, time is flying. Soon you'll be in the hospital! And no, we're still not going to find out. Next ultrasound - August 25th.
So, you like the picture, huh, Kel?
Is that JD still hitting the bottle?
He was drinking way back then, huh?
For those of you who havent had a chance to see the painting in real life, it's so cool!! Boy or girl - it will look great. I would limit the other decorations in the room and go with your idea of stripes or some other shape / stars etc.
Also Rach - you did look much more pregnant on Sunday and it looks great on you!!
For the record, the 'anonymous' comment was Brad North, not me. Don't get me wrong, I wish I would have thought of it first, but I didn't.
So much for anonymity!!
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