My Dad is a spelling and grammar freak and noticed that I spelled asphalt incorrectly. I figured I probably had, and wondered, but kept forgetting to spellcheck it. So, I'm just going to admit it now, rather than change it - it's my French way of spelling it...and I'm still too lazy to go back and fix it.
thanks Dad!!
By the way, had another appointment and they put me back on the January 3rd time frame. I've decided just to tell people that I'm due this winter. That makes it easier, since nobody knows what the heck is going on!!
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2 months ago
That stinks.......they told me I would be early with Storm......I was the normal two weeks late. Somehow I thought they would be better able to determine the time. Really truly, the Lord is the only one that knows when this precious "Dipstick" will arrive. I can't wait!!!!!
By the way, why don't I ever see your Dad commenting on here???
Where ya at Brad?? Huh huh huh??
Wait, Rachel is pregnant?
Whose fault?
Yeah! Maybe you will end up having Dipstick on my birthday!!
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