I'm uncomfortable. I know what you're thinking "Rachel, you still have almost two months left." I know, I know....but up until this point, I really had nothing to complain about. So, now I want to.
Kelly says I'm "snippy." I agree...but it's a funny "snippy." I know I'm snippy and I laugh when I get snippy. Like when the baby's foot is constantly in my ribs...I squirm half-way off the couch to get to a comfortable position and laugh the whole time. It's annoying, but I deal.
I'm having a very tough time sleeping. It's not comfortable at all - on either side. If I'm on my back, I feel like I can't breath. And who can sleep sitting up? Then there is restless leg syndrome. Gotta love that. Ooh - and the bruises on my thighs for no reason. That's a great one too. It's a good thing I'm not up teaching classes like I used to be - if they're popping up like this from me doing what little walking I am, I can imagine how icky I'd be teaching.
There are a bunch of other "symptoms" that I won't go into because of a mixed audience. But, suffice it to say, I'm officially uncomfortable. I don't like complaining because I know that there are many before and many after me who have and will have it MUCH worse off than I do, however, I at least get to express my discomfort. I don't want anything special for it. Just to vent.
So, there. I have two more months..and I know I'll be as big as a house...it's just what SIZE of house is what I'm wondering. Are we talking a little ranch or a 4 story mansion? I'm thinking the latter! 31 weeks...that's where I am. I'll make it through. Thanks for listening.
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2 months ago
I had to sleep with a pillow between my legs when I slept on my side and under my knees when I was on my back. Very uncomfortable and I can't say that it will get any better from here on out. :-(
yeah, I've been sleeping with pillows all around - in between the legs - behind my back, under my knees, etc...nothing is working. You're right, though, I'm sure it doesn't get any better. It just felt good to vent! :-)
Just go Candyass on anyone who gets in your way....
Oh, and she is snippy, but it is hilarious. In fact, last night we laughed for like 5 minutes straight because of her uncomfortalbeness. I know it's not funny, but the way Rachel handles it all is with great humor and it's just funny!
Hang in there Rach.
Rachel, I don't know how to tell you this, but the only reason that I got out of the Army and moved away was because you were getting snippy.
And now that you are discussing it on the internet I guess I have to cease using this medium.
Please don't make a commercial about it, I don't think I'll be able to give up my tele.
It'll all be over with soon. I was just complaining, and look Greyson is 2 months old already : (
Thanks for dinner last night. It was super yummy and it was nice to get out of the house and hang out for once! Next time, lets knit!!
This all will pass soon, just not quite soon enough. Your doing great, just complain all you want....especially to guys. They will never know what it is like. Thank goodness!!!!
Oh yeah Jodie?! Guys have to shave EVERY day so I think we know what's it's like!!!...lol
I didn't shave today. Seriously. I guess I don't know what it's like to be pregnant. I just know what it's like to walk on the moon, invent the light bulb and pee standing up. My bad.
ooh - it's getting a little testy in here. By the way, Storm - you don't know what it's like to walk on the moon or invent the light bulb. You can't say that just because you're a guy. :-)
who made the shaving comment, by the way? Dadley?
I totally understand where you're coming from. I used to cry because I was soooooo uncomfortable. I wish I had some fantastic advice, but I don't. Just hang in there! It's all worth it! ;-)
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