This morning at 3am, I woke up to go support Rebecca in her first triathlon. Her husband is away, and there was no way I was going to let her go alone. So, we loaded up the vehicle and left her house around 4am. After a couple wrong turns, we made it to UNC Chapel Hill for the race.
250 swim
10 mile bike ride
2 mile run
She smoked it! Even in the RAIN! It was 55 degrees and super soggy out, but she just rocked. Speaking of rocks....she did bite the dust too. Poor girl - about a mile into her bike ride and she slipped on the new pavement and took an arm-dive. She muscled through it, though and kept going. However, after the race and a visit from the medic, she realized that she might have done more damage than she thought. The slideshow shows the road rash, but we think she may have messed up her rotater (rotator? what?) cuff, but we'll just pray it's a strained muscle!! However, nothing that a trip to Cracker Barrel wouldn't take care of! :-) She was able to refuel and aside from her immobile arm, was feeling really good!
I don't think the girl even broke a sweat. I totally admire her for doing this. Envy, no. Admire, yes. She had a ton of fun and can't wait to do it all again - preferably a longer race with no asphault-eating. She will find out tomorrow what her time was. I figured out that I make a MUCH better supporter than competitor, definitely - even if I wasn't pregnant!
There were 10 kids under the age of 11 in this thing too. They're little maniacs. I was just amazed. I hope this kind of thing is something our children will enjoy. I got a kick out of watching them.
All right - enough talky - here are the photos from today. I'm tired. Been up for 12 hours now - baby is ready for a nap. Okay, so the baby is already sleeping, but it's a good excuse for me to use.
Have a great Sunday, everyone!
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1 month ago
Thanks for the pics! What a fun Sunday morning! And my arm is feeling better so I am guessing I just pulled a muscle.. or two. HA.
Well, I did something similar today...
250 minutes of sleeping on the couch
10 minutes of flipping channels
2 hours of watching football
Beat that, Rebecca!
Congrats Rebecca - you ROCK!!!
- kel
Oh, and Storm - WAY TO GO!!!!
I really admire someone that can accomplish that!!!!! I'm glad to leave it to the young. Nice slide show!!!!
Jo - you talking about me or Rebecca? Me, right?
There was a 79 year old woman who completed the tri as well - Now that blows my mind!
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