Okay, so week 32 is coming up - on Wednesday. I get these weekly newsletters in my email about what to expect for the next week. I'm really surprised at what is going to happen in the next few weeks. The baby goes from being transverse (side-to-side) to being vertex (head-down). That means it's getting ready for delivery. Is it bad that it took that email to really make this whole thing "real" to me!? WOW. it's just around the stinkin' corner!
I'm so excited now. And I'm totally going to be evaluating every move this baby makes to see where it is and if it's getting into position. Right now, though, downward-facing dog is still in action. Maybe that means it's trying to wiggle it's way down? STRRRAAAANGE!
This is truly a miracle. I don't know how anyone can go through all of this and NOT believe in God. WOW!
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2 months ago
It's like Cirque De Solei or "here we go loopty loo...here we go loopty lie..."
I went to Cirque de Soleil this past weekend...it was awesome...but not as awesome as you and Kel both having playmates so close together!!! Hope all is well.
Lee Ann
Lee Ann - where on earth was the Cirque in Missouri? I'm CERTAIN they didn't come to Ft. Leonard Wood!!
Leeza - this delivery process is going to be funny - what are you talking about. Remember - JD said that you all are going to have me laughing this baby out! I can't WAIT!!
It's exciting when they get into position...however, being head down means a whole lot of baby on your bladder! Just 1 more exciting tidbit about being pregnant! ;-)
yeah, I'm totally looking forward to that one! As if I don't go pee enough!
Yeah, but when you sneeze do you wet your pants??
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