Can anybody find meeee....somebody to rent....
my house.
Or something like that.
Long story short, we had renters, they left, then we had more renters and they fell through.
Now I need your help.
If you know anyone looking to rent in the Fayetteville, NC area, PLEASE let me know. Our house is in the best school district, has a HUGE yard, newly renovated and has beautiful hardwood floors.
How about a $100 finder's fee for you?
HMM Would you be willing to sell? No seriously... or maybe Eric and I can rent until we leave and sell our place, email me girl, and Im TOTALLY serious
Sorry...I would run up there and rent from you except that:
1.My husband would have to find a new job.
2. We would have to sell our house.
3. We don't know anyone there.
4. I can't think of a single other there soon!
I will keep an eye out!!
Girl, I feel your pain. Long story short...we've had our house on the market for a year. Only 4 people have come to see it and we're selling it at a 35K LOSS. It's a really nice little casa. We're getting ready to break ground on a new house we're building and we've decided to rent it out. I'm so skeeeeeered that we won't get renters or the renters we finally get will trash the place! eeeeeek!
You guys are stressing me out for when we rent out our house in July!!!!!!! EEEKKKKKkkkkkkk
Ok grammer queen...How a $100 finder's fee for you? I think you meant How about a....
Love ya!
you say "grammer"
I say "grammar"
This morning, I finally got to read your blog for the first time this week - stupid firewall at work...
Headed to study before class - a little slower this morning, but can't find a calculator in the house...weird...
Hope you have a great day, babe...give LaLa kisses from Daddy...and make her give you kisses from me...
Ahem...and what about GREAT neighbors??
That is definitely a good point, Marie - and don't worry anyone, she's not a nosy neighbor...
...except when I see suspicious Uhaul trucks in the driveway. Then I feel it's my neighborly obligation to let homeowners know their tenants are skipping town! Thanks, JD!
Only bad thing about the house is the dog will poop on your bed, but from what I hear they took the dog with them...
Worm, we can bring R-dog in April to leave KT a house-"warming" present for you...
No thanks... I like my bathroom door and I prefer my bed to be poop free.
Point of clarification for those who don't know the story - it was dog poop.
Additional point of clarification - I don't like any poop in my bed.
Rachel, feel free to delete this comment...
Heck no, Storm!
I haven't had much time to read anyone's blog lately and I forgot how much I'm entertained by them... especially yours. As for your question, James and I played a few (or a lot) of practice rounds but the game was cancelled until September.
I'll email you with the details soon!!
Hi. I dont know you but I AM looking to move to North Carolina. Im in Texas right now but am looking to move soon. I saw your post on your blog and wanted to know if you are still looking for someone to rent your house.
You can email me at
Id love to check it out!
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