January 25, 2009


It's that time again!!! Quarterly Bloggy Giveaways! Who wants a chance to win?

Is that a collective applause I hear?

Do you do any of this?
Or maybe a little bit of this?
Well, you're crazy flexible and I'm super jealous.

Or maybe you're simply trying to reach your toes? I feel your pain.
How about your dog or baby?
If you have any desire, or know anyone who would have a desire for a Shut the Front Door original yoga mat bag, then leave a comment here!!! Heck, some of you don't even want or need a yoga mat bag, but want to win something, who cares! Most of those stopping by won't even read this.

This is a $45 value and I'll be giving it away this Friday after randomly drawing a winner. If you've read this, then you get an extra entry if you leave a snarky, witty, funny or complimentary comment. :-)



Now, go spend the rest of your day filling out comments for the other 2,000 giveaways! That's my plan!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!!!

photos courtesy of:
www.pampered puppy.com

post signature


Emily said...

ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to take up YOGA or it would be good for any type of exercise I might wanna do.

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Winning this would be a GREAT incentive to get going on an exercise plan.

BequetteDESIGN said...

"a witty comment"

haha Sorry, I couldn't resist... I AM a "North" after all. Or, I was. Whatever. lol

S said...

here here......hands go up in the air....just I don't do yoga but would love to have it :)

klbl1223 said...

I invented that third pose.... :)

'pick me, pick me'!

Syndi said...

I participate in a body flow class at the gym on Fridays and absolutely must take my own mat. There's just something weird about being barefoot on an unknown mat. I would love to have this beautiful bag!

swilek said...

I'm all for free things! Pick me. I do yoga faithfully every week:) Don['t have a mat of my own yet, but will get one when I win this beautiful cover. Do you have anything that prevents flatulence from escaping when doing the downward dog?:)

Anonymous said...

Wow...the purple lady scares me a bit...so I feel the need to comment so I can use a mat on the floor instead of a chair & a purple lycra singlet...If I win...Laney may steal the cover for her Hello Kitty Yoga mat!

Rebecca said...

My favorite item in your store - yipppeee! Even though I haven't been doing yoga as often as before (timing of the class interferes with Christian's new naptime) I plan to get back to it as soon as I can. I LOVE IT. YAy for a great giveaway!

We are Team Brummy said...

Great gift idea, I have been drooling over the bag on your site. So even if I dont win (is that even possible, this is rigged right?)I'll probably order one in the future. By the way the first pose by the pond, I totally tried it. Then I fell in and it was so refreshing! Do I have to leave my name? Who is else is so snarky and sarcastic?

Rach@In His Hands said...

Ooooooooo, me! That bag is SO fabulous...right now my poor mat is just sitting all by its lonesome. It really does need a cute bag from STFD, the best Etsy store there is! ;-)

Love ya, Rach. :-)

Lexie said...

it looks like it could easily transform to a changing pad on the go, so put me in the running... i promise i wont try to do pose 1 or 2 and change diapers at the same time :) im more like 3 now anyway but at least i can see my toes again!

Brenda said...

I have done ALL of these, actually:

Photo #1--I check daily to see if I need to shave my legs.
Photo #2--Inspecting that expensive pedicure to see if I got my money's worth.
Photo #3--Waiting for the glue to dry on that old chair I put back together.
The other ones, well...they've probably happened too.

Anonymous said...

Look, just because I'm a little out of shape doesn't mean you have to show the whole world.


Rachel said...

Of course I do those first two yoga poses every morning before my 5 mile run! Don't you? (As if!) (Doesn't "As if" just remind you of Clueless? Ah, the 90's) Okay, so I don't really do that much yoga but your bag is super cute. Count me in!

bauer zoo said...

ok, i am lucky enough to be pretty flexible...or should i say my hubby is pretty lucky!

i know T.M.I.!!!

i would love to win this...because then i would have to get a yoga mat, and that would mean i would have to use it.

Angie said...

My daughter just started yoga... crazy flexible child!!! She has been begging for a mat of her own.

Anonymous said...

What fun. I would love a mat bag like this one. Maybe then I'd be motivated to touch my toes more often! ;-)

Oh, and in the top picture, my son thinks that poor woman is about to sit on a starfish.


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE this! I just moved into a house with wood floors- doing yoga or crunches isn't very comfy!

julielaura (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE this! I just moved into a house with wood floors- doing yoga or crunches isn't very comfy!

julielaura (at) hotmail (dot) com

Tara said...

My body can't even imagine those positions...but the bag is super cute!

Swimming Texas Babies said...

Ok, I SOOOOO want to win b/c I do go to yoga and I can touch my toes and I can do variations of some of those poses!!! Please, please, pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, not that I neccessarily want someone else to win because I want to, but I think Sarah(@my.peace.and.joy) should totally get extra entries. That is too funny about the starfish.
Okay, now I'm now snarky, witty, or funny but I can definitely be complimentary. I have loved this bag from the 1st time I saw it posted. I think it has a great design with the pocket and being so roomy! I love the roominess especially because that is why I got rid of my 1st mat-I could never get it to fit back into the dinky little bag it came with so it was always all over my trunk (along with my tennis racket bag and rollerblades that I use alllll the time. ;P) so I gave it to my uncle to use for crunches. BUT if I got a new cool bag made by a very cool person I would get a cool new yoga mat to go with it.

Summer said...

Oh pick me, pick me! I deserve to win after you flashing that picture of the woman in purple. :)

Caitlin @ Clutter Cubed said...

This is just LOVELY! What an awesome giveaway!

Cindy B.of Montana said...

I'd love to win, maybe it would give me the extra incentive I need to give yoga a shot at making over this old woman's body!

stormhuse said...

Hilarious post...

Wanda said...

Oooooo very exciting!
My coworkers just started a class and I want to attend too!
This would be great!

Lisa P@www.isitmondayalready.com said...

I read it all, hehehe I cant do anything fancy but Im not quite to the point of the purple lady photo LOL

koopermom said...

Haha, I love the one trying to touch her toes....But I would love to win this!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

♥ the downward dog (literally?), but that little baby bottom makes a cute picture too. Me? I would love to be half as flexible as one of the top two women.

Tara said...

I would love to win a yoga mat believe it or not lol Would help me exercise better.

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Stacy said...

I am working on getting pregnant with baby #2 and would love to do the pregnant mommies' yoga! Hopefully this will get me motivated! :)

a boy a girl and a pug said...

such a gorgeous mat bag. thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm not snarky, witty, or funny, but I am working hard to touch my toes! :) I'd love that bag!

Nissa said...

I'd love a new, cool yoga bag! It'd be awesome to win this one! Thanks!

Shelley Johnson said...

I have wanted a yoga mat but I've been too lazy to buy one.

bloggytime20 (a) yahoo dot com

Heather said...

Your blog is stunning -- I LOVE the background, it makes it so easy to read. And snarky? I am NEVER snarky! :-)

Alyce said...

Here's my snarky, witty, funny or complimentary comment. Hehehe! :)

I love the yoga mat bag! Green is my favorite color, and my husband just bought us a yoga mat last week so this would be perfect. (Yes, one mat - we don't work out at the same time.)

CaseyDeuce said...

How did you get that picture of me in my purple leotard and suede clogs?!?!?!

Seriously though, I've just recently gotten into yoga and I love it!! Thanks for the chance!

fancyfeet48 said...

What an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

very cute blog post!


Baby Kry said...

Hoping to win it for my sis..my body doesn't do that..hehe

The Hoags said...

I would love to win this awesome yoga mat made by the most beautiful woman I know. :)

j.d. said...

Storm - watch out posting on a bloggy giveaway - there's a strong possibility you could win a pretty yoga bag...

Anonymous said...

"Most of those stopping by won't even read this"
Hey, that's not entirely true!
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I read it and I saw all the pics, one made me puke a little bit, but I am glad she found a leotard that fits. and the camera could have been in a more unflattering place!

so thanks for that!

and thanks for the giveaway!!! have a great week!

karissag at gmail.com

Erin Lowmaster said...

I found your post quite amusing lol... This is great giveaway btw ! ;)

ariyana9501 said...

I want to win! By the way......I DID in fact read your WHOLE post! I usually skim, but I found your blog to be quite amusing, lol! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca said...

I don't yoga now, but I could start any day, you never know!

(Laura knows my email)

Stacy said...

Need this so much, better then a rubber band.


Re said...

I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year. You are hilarious. I tie my yogamat with a ribbon.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

KDoug said...

You promised you would NEVER put that picture of me in the purple suit on your blog! We're on BFF hiatus for that.

Krista said...

Hmmm, this might motivate me to actually buy my own yoga mat! You know, so I can quit using the nasty ones at the gym! ;)
I recently used "snarky" in my Bible study and many of the ladies had never heard of the word. Now it's become our inside joke!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Laura said...

that's too cute! I might even be tempted to exercise if I had one. :-)

Horse Creek Jewelry said...

Huse Ya Moma..that's me baby! I am the Yoga Moma..I am telling you I need one of these. I will use it! I will take it to my Bikram Yoga class every other day, I will adore it, keep it at my side and wash it when I make it stinky! Yeah..I would just love this! What a great idea!

Lydia said...

Ok, I'm entering because I love that fabric!


Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I have a shirt that says "Yoga Mama" on it.. My daughter has her own yoga mat.. and she's 2.

Oh.. and snarky works for me!!! :)


An iMperfect wIfe said...

I love the photo series.

And the colors on your blog.

And the texture on the sides...oooh, how smooth...

Ok, so enter me :)


Anonymous said...

i really want to gte into yoga but i don't even know where to start. i would love this mat!


Lyla said...

Love it! And I'd love to win it!! We even have a yoga mat that I could put inside it!


Diane said...

I'm one of the ones trying to touch their toes! :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway and the chance to win! Have a wonderful day!


AudreyO said...

I would love a yoga mat. I don't have one and I make due with what I can find at the gym, already used :(

okaat said...

I currently do yoga and am in need of a new mat. My daughter sunbathes on our deck using my mat and it gets all oily and slippery. I went to a yoga conference with it and got nervous and my feet sweated and i was slipping all over the mat! Something witty? something snarky? Hmmm. Complimentary .. you rock too! and i love your yoga photos.


Anonymous said...

I would love this kick ass yoga mat bag!! I wonder if it would help me to tuch my toes or will I still just have to push ymself to get them???

Lilly said...

Oh this is a wonderful giveaway! I love that mat.

Claire Roach said...

Yeah, I haven't touched my toes for years. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

rubynreba said...

Nice site - I've always wanted to try yoga and now I can after I win this mat!!!

Beth said...

I am the lady up there in the purple leotard...srsly. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Jenny said...

This bag is so cute!!

Jenny said...

Green is my favorite color--I hope I win!!:)))

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway. Would love to have it.


crystal said...

Yes, I'm just trying to reach my toes. That was great!

Lady Christie said...

I'm the one trying to touch my toes, I need to cause I can't see if they're still there.


•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Good Lord! If I could contort my body like the first two chicas, I'm sure my husband would be a happy camper. I'm just sayin' ... *blink*

Kami said...

I don't know how I am going to compete with 75 others that have already commented, but I do yoga and I have need for above yoga bag and I love hand made things and I like to support my friends in all they do so Please send this awesome creation my way. XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

This is the best giveaway I've seen so far! I would LOVE LOVE this ! I use my yoga mat at least twice a week, and I've even thought of making my own yoga bag, but I haven't done that. Pleas, mr random number generator, be kind!

Celeste said...

LOL - I laughed when I read "most people won't even read this"!! I can actually do "the pretzel"! :D

contact me at:

Kristina said...

That bag is fabulous! I have never had a true bag for my mat, just a plastic bag and I tried to make one once (didn't work out well). Thank you! KMC3050@gmail.com

Reva Skie said...

I read it, I have a yoga mat too. :P

Lindsey said...

this would be great! I just got a new mat and I would like to keep it protected when not in use!

DEBIJOT said...

Do I need this? The only fit part of my body is my right arm - from lifting cookies and chips to my mouth. I can do several reps of these!

Erika Powell said...

pick me pick me! this is so much prettier than the ugly mesh thing my yoga mat came in! thanks!

and if I ever decide to give up exercise and give in to being fat I can use it to hold a really large stick of salami. multi use. amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oh - I can totally do those poses. yeah - that's right. Seriously! You don't believe me? Whatever. ;) I can do them in my mind anyway, but execution would cause too much pain.

Love the bag - too cute. :)


Maggie said...

Your blog is beautiful. I'm really liking the leather background. And I love that yoga mat! Thanks for the contest.


thanks for the laugh- seriously would love to win...mrs.mommyyatgmail.com

tristanjh said...

I do take yoga and I would leave any comment, snarky or otherwise, to win this!


Staci A said...

I think I'm too tired to do witty or funny. But I loved your photos, I was cracking up.

My son & I love doing yoga together, and I'm the one left without a mat. So this would be perfect.


Your photos are awesome,I don't think I could do those first two positions EVER :( Thanks for the giveaway!!


shaunjoy said...

I'm not sure the human body was intended to bend like that.... Sorry, nothing too witty or snarky out of me today...rats, huh?

Earthtokarmen said...

I'm not really sure how to feel about those pictures! But I would love a yoga matt in a shnazzy bag!


remarker/fcffollower said...

Love your message when I went to "Leave your comment"!! Haven't seen that one before!

Sarah Z said...

That 2nd pic is ridiculous - I'm not sure I would want people to know I could do that!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Uniquely Yours said...

Unfortunately, I don't belong to a gym anymore, but I still try to do Yoga/Pilates by video...this would be great!

Gardening Mommy said...

I LOVE pilates and could use this mat! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kaitlin said...

While I do just love to win things, in this case, I have a genuine need for this bag. I've got a mat but no a bag. Please help correct this travesty!


Anonymous said...

My husband just bought me a new pink yoga mat, but I have no bag for it. This is so cute!

Thanks for the chance....
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Pilates is my choice of pain for the price of having a beautiful bod. It would be less painful, though, if I were to win this yoga mat...it would be more cushy for my tushy.

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Anonymous said...

Blog follower...come follow me!

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Katrina said...

I would love to win this, thanks!

Unknown said...

I had a dream the other night that I was ordering Taco Bell from a roller coaster ride.....wait...was "weird" one of the qualifications?

ailad said...

Ok, really, I have no need for this mat whatsoever. However, my sister who is obsessed with all things athletic would love it. I'll keep my fingerrs crossed!

A family of boys said...

I just love it! Thanks so much for the chance...

noreen said...

if only we were all as flexible as babies

valerie2350 said...

fabulous giveaway ! :)

cl said...

I've been a beginner yoga enthusiast for about a decade. I master the mountain pose, than take a year's break.

Emily said...


Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Becca said...

I can't think of anything witty but I really want to start taking yoga classes and this would help inspire me to go, thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

L. K. said...

Sorry, can't think of anything snarky (which is unusual, it usually just flows from me) but I do have to say I enjoyed your picture captions. Thanks for the giveaway!

lmillitch (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

you know, if i won this, i would have to actually use it!

Anonymous said...

pilates is painful but pain leads to greatness they say. I don't who they are but someday I shall find out and smack them!


thetoothchick said...

I want to win the yoga mat!! They are so cute. Tisha

Shannon said...

Yoga would rock my world!! I wanna win!

Jingle said...

Hmmm....now I'm wondering if you even wanted me to read it. I mean really...what was your TRUE intent, here. Perhaps you want to keep that pretty little bag for yourself and your efforts are simply to scare away potential entrants! AHA! I caught ya! Well, I win. I entered. Along with a few other people, of course, but there is no reason to get nit-picky here, now is there! It just so happens that I DO have a yoga mat and it just so happens that I DO love the pattern on this bag, so I would LOVE to win it! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Ginny said...

I have a yoga mat, but no bag to carry it to class in. I love your design! And green is my favorite color to boot :)

Jodi said...

i need to exercise, does that count?


Ginny said...

OH I would love to win this! Great pictures, lol

Betsy said...

Love the pix! I need the yoga mat for when I do Pilates! :)

Katie said...

Well I can only dream of being that limber. But I am working on touching my toes so I guess there is hope for me. Thanks

katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Jessica said...

That's a cool yoga bag and your pictures made me laugh!

Ticopi said...

Gah I *wish* I could do those frackin things. Alas, I am at a disadvantage but would like a yoga mat anyways :-)

Thanks for the chance!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I took yoga once many years ago and loved it. I'd be afraid that I would fall asleep at the end of a class...all that quiet without kids....

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

i have a friend who does yoga, would be a gift for her birthday :)

Trish said...

LOL, that baby pic is too cute!

Good luck everyone, especially me. :p


Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway, and fun pictures!
I could use a new yoga mat, so then maybe I can be as flexible as those in the pictures! :)

lisainkc said...

I'm the one still trying to touch her toes I think. Well actually I'm disabled so I have an excuse somewhat but I could use the bag for other uses, right"? I'm pretty creative and would make good use of it. I'm not into yoga but I do try to do some exercise and do ahve a mat! I swear!!!

Anonymous said...

can i tell you a joke?

What do you get when you cross a brown chicken with a brown cow?

Wanna know!!!!


(and also... Im at the computer because I hurts to move after yesterdays work out. HAHA)

AmeliaB said...

Yoga mat...What's yoga again? te he Just kidding.

Love to win.


Andi said...

Ohh, pick me!

Andi said...

I'm gonna go with complimentary... your daughter is a cutie!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the laugh. I just need a purple leotard and I'm set. :}

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

~ Doreen said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win.

~ Doreen said...

Love the fabric choices for the one pictured!

Mrs. Olsen said...

I could use one if these! rebolsen at gmail dot com

Mrs. Olsen said...

Which of those pictures is you? rebolsen at gmail dot com

37 Questions said...

Nothing much snarky to say, but cute bag (and dog!). Thanks for a super giveaway.
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

mindy said...

does the dog come with it thanks for the giveaway

A Reader said...

Is it klutz proof?
Thanks for the giveaway!


Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

I really like the first womans ankle bracelet. I have the same one. ;)

yomomma said...

I can touch my toes ........but that's about it. Love the blog! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

so cute!


LoriM said...

Toes? Do I still have toes? I am trying to get more active though. Thanks for the giveaway.
scrappylori at gmail dot com

Jessie said...

Cute blog - I am 8 months pg right now so yoga is working out so well for me but I could use a mat like this for when I have this little one :) Thanks for a great contest!

Courtenay said...

We recently started yoga through Wii Fit and My Fitness Trainer and this would come in handy.

e-mail in profile.

demmi said...

I love the pictures con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

jennifer57 said...

I would love to have this mat as I just started doing a yoga dvd daily :)

Godesseablu said...

Here's my funny comment for reading your page, You say Huse yo mamma, Im your momma, now get in there and clean your room, ok that wasn't to funny, but I tried, lol. Actually so stupid it's funny. Oh, I like the way you had that picture of the big woman trying to touch her toes, that was funny. Thanks, Godesseablu@msn.com

Amy L said...

I've been doing Yoga for several years, and I have a mat, but my youngest daughter wants to start doing, so she needs one of her own. I can't do anything like those first 2 pictures, but I keep trying!
aleach6179 AT gmail DOT com

Natural Mama said...

Hmmm a snarky comment....I hate yoga, i seriously do. Sometimes i go and do it anyways though because i want to be thinner and more fit, on those rare occasions a yoga mat would be nice.

janetfaye said...

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Amy L. said...

I don't have anything snarky or quirky to say, but I do have a compliment. You are awesome to have this contest and even more so to make it easy for everyone so they can go do the other "2000" contests. Thanks again, and "No, YOU Rock!" (lol).


nickyle said...

I love it "Shutthefrontdoor", I'd love to hear more where that name came from.

I have been thinking of yoga for a while now. Can I touch my toes? Heck no, I can barely walk on most days. My in-laws do yoga, they are both getting up there in age and they can run circles around me. They have talked nonstop about the benefits of yoga. Maybe winning this will kick start me.

Thank you and no snarky from me. lol

Anonymous said...

I've been wishing for this mat,
And I'm not a cat.
Nor do I move like one,
'Tho I sleep in the sun...

"You never know", cats say,
About the following day...
So yoga is a possibility
And could help my agility...

Thank you for the giveaway,
And now I'm purring today!


autumn said...

definitely not crazy flexible. it's a good day when i can look like the dog or my baby (way cute picture by the way).

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I read the whole post and I'm aiming for the first picture. I'm already jealous of my baby's flexibility and if she can do that then I should be able to too, right?

Anonymous said...

"Heck, some of you don't even want or need a yoga mat bag, but want to win something, who cares! Most of those stopping by won't even read this."
Hahaha! But not completely true, people skip to where the rules are, so that part was read. :D

internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com == http://www.internationalfreebies.net

Anonymous said...

Here is my extra funny comment:

WARNING: Dirty joke!!




Tow pigs fell in the mud.

Hahaha! Someone posted it on my blog, and it cracked me up.

internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com == http://www.internationalfreebies.net

Reginald said...

I wish I were that flexible!

reginald2004 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Heeeyyyy! I read it!!! However, I'm not even gonna lie to ya. I live on the beach, and I would use this as a mat at the beach, enjoying a good book! I'd still love it, and appreciate it! But hey, you're proberbly nt going to read this anyway...