April 1, 2009

My girl parts

Thank you EVERYONE for praying for my girl parts! What a united effort in the girl-part cause!

But now we might need to pray for my sister-in-law's girl parts. Yesterday, she gave birth to an almost 11 pound baby!!! Yep, you heard that right.

Thankfully, though, she had a c-section! Turns out her hips are just too narrow to deliver a toddler. I wouldn't know what it's like to have hips that are "too narrow," must be nice.

Owen Glen Huse
8:25 am
March 31st
10 lbs 13.8 oz
22" long

Isn't he just perfect!?
Look at that HAIR!
I don't have any pictures of mama bear just yet.

Storm, may you get what you deserve!

(these are of Storm with Lorelai)

But really, congratulations Storm and Katie! Enjoy parenthood, it's the most rewarding thing you'll ever do! I mean, just ask our parents, we children are such a blessing! :-)

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Fulton Quads said...

WOW! Almost 11 pounds!! I thought I had it rough carrying 4 at once! YIKES! I wish her parts & yours all the best! Keep on praying!
Love, Cathy & the quads

becs said...

Wow! Thats a big baby! Love the hair. Too cute.
Yeah, my SIL had that too narrow of hips with her 10 pound baby... like you, not ever the situation with me.
Congrats to Aunty Rachel And Uncle JD, too!

Lucky Irish Gal said...

Narrow hips. Yep not an issue I am gonna have any time soon! Your new nephew is adorable! All that hair, did your SIL have bad heartburn? I know it is an old wives tale but I had it horrible and both my kiddos came out with a need for a trim.

Congrats to the new Mom and Dad! The did a great job.

Amy B said...

Wow that is one BIG beautiful baby...Congrats.

Now would it be odd for me to say I have been thinking about you and your girly parts..Yep..I thought so...humm...how about this...I have been keeping you in my thoughts.

There that is better..but not nearly as exciting sounding...ya know.


Erika said...

Awww, I love big chunky babies! He is so adorable!
Congrats, auntie! And Congrats, Storm & Katie!

Heather said...

Awww, 11 pounds!! That means probably has cute baby rolls already. I love cute baby rolls. Aww!! How sweet! Congrats to the new parents.

The Hoags said...

The baby is very cute...but I am laughing at the video of Lorelai, how funny! Parents (and uncles) are so cruel sometimes. Benjamin does that when I run the vacuum too close to him and once in a while I laugh and do it again. :)

Monica said...

11 pounds!!!! what did she eat!

I would imagine that anyone haveing a baby that size would have problems being to small.

Send congrats to the new mom & dad.

KDoug said...

LOVE IT! great pics - especially the blackmail ones. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Rach,
Just wanted you to know I have been lifting you up in prayer,(female parts & all)
Really, really adorable, new nephew! What a "love bundle"!
That video of L, cloudin up,&
crying, breaks my heart ! I just
want to grab her, & run with her.
(mothers instinct)
Gurl, your on my heart.
Love, Alyssa's aunt helen
P.S. "Then God remembered Rachel"
Genesis 30:22

Anonymous said...

11 lbs?! God bless her!!!

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

wow...now that's what i call child bearing! nearly 11 lbs!

keep us updated on your GPs... :-)