September 20, 2009

So Big!

Here are the pictures of Lorelai riding a horse for the first time. She looks so much bigger than 2 years old to me in these pictures!!!
She smiled like this the ENTIRE time!

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BreAnna Fowler said...

Your posts ALWAYS make me smile! She is such a beautiful girl, like her mama. :)

Lexie said...

Thats a real horse. Not a pony... and she is all alone! We just were discussing that and I thought Lexie was too young. Apparently not.

AliciaDawn said...

Oh I think this is so awesome! I need to catch up on your blog but is this something you have her starting or was it a one time thing?

Uma and Wil said...

Well, technically she's nearly three :). I love that little smile. We have lots of horses around here. Made you want to PCS here yet?

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Oh my!! She so does look older than 2!! What a doll!

Tara said...

Definitely looks older than 2. Such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

So precious!!!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Yes, she does. And she looks like she's having a great time too.