Here we are at 37 weeks. Not much change going on. I am "measuring" at 35 weeks, which is odd, because with Lorelai, I always measured like 8 weeks ahead. So, I'm guessing either this baby is hiding or will be tiny compared to Lorelai. We shall see.
We still don't know the sex of the baby, and contrary to what many might think, JD is actually doing okay with not knowing. Not that he has a choice at this point.
I've gained ten pounds so far. And before you go hating on me, remember I had a good amount to lose before I got pregnant. My goal was to gain nothing....oh well, I'll take ten.
I'm still feeling great. One time of day I'm uncomfortable is flipping myself over at night. I need one of those contraptions they use when transporting dolphins or whales that roll them over easily. That would rock.
Other than that, I've been having steady (like 5 minutes apart) Braxton Hicks contractions for almost two weeks now. Nothing is progressing, though. Except the back pain that comes along with some of said contractions. Those bring me to my knees.
However, I'm only 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. That makes me happy. I am not really ready yet for the baby. I mean, I can't wait to meet him/her, but we try so hard to get pregnant, and I really enjoy pregnancy. Each time we're pregnant could be the last time and I don't want to take a moment for granted. I'm also enjoying the quality one-on-one time I'm getting with Lorelai lately. Most everything super important is done in the house and I'm focusing the rest of my time on her.
I guess I should UN-focus on her for about an hour and get my hospital bag packed, though, huh? Yeah, still haven't done that yet.
Well, I'll keep y'all posted. I know you don't believe me, because I've been a horrible blogger, but this is the best way to keep everyone informed on the birth, so I promise I'll do least for now. :-D
Welcome to our family site!
5 years ago
I love that picture of Lorelai...the kid should be a comedian.
You look great! I choked on the ice cream I was eating (at 9 am) when you said you've gained only 10 pounds! I'm almost 36 weeks and have gained 39 so far. I've ate every single ounce ;)
Can't wait to hear when the baby arrives!!
Love that belly!!! Good job on the weight gain/lack thereof too!
Fingers (and legs) crossed that the baby hangs in there for a few more weeks so Lala can enjoy being the only one a bit longer :).
Miss you guys!
...and Lala's baby belly is coming right along too :).
So great to hear from you and to get a little update on baby!
Sounds like you're doing well...can't wait to hear more as your due date approaches!
Take care.
I remember going through a bit of a mourning period before Joshua was born because it would no longer be "just the 3 of us," but let me tell you, my heart was spilling over when we brought Joshua home because I couldn't believe God had made 4 of us! Enjoy the time with Lorelai, but it will be awesome to see her as a big sister!
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