Yes, I said "Dipstick." That's what my Dad calls it. But, considering he (and the Huses) got a scrapbook filled with pictures and the only one of the baby was the pregnancy test, I guess that about makes sense. So, now I'm going to give him something else to look at - although I know he'll still call it "Dipstick," and I actually have grown quite fond of that term.
So, first of all, the reason I haven't put in an entry was because every day I try, it says that the site is down for maintenance. So, this is the first time I've been able to get on and blog.
Now, Monday's appointment. First of all, I don't know if JD was nervous or just not paying attention, but before we walked into the office, he had to go to the bathroom and walked into the women's bathroom - quickly realizing he was in the wrong spot. Whoops!
We made it down to the radiology clinic, about 1/2 hour early. They took us in right away and that's when the fun began. She did an external and internal ultrasound (I know, T.M.I. for some of you) and come to find out, there IS a baby in there. Only one. We were happy and would have still been happy if there were more, but this seems MUCH less stressful. The baby is a little over an inch long and to me, had a big head, but apparently that's normal. The heartbeat was 171 and it has all it's limbs. No, Dad, too soon to find out the sex.
Which brings me to my next point. As you all probably remember, JD and I made a deal - one baby, we don't find out the sex....two or more, we do. Well, I win. He still thinks he's going to talk me into it, but I doubt it. I'm pretty stubborn!
Come to find out, I'm not as far along as we thought. We walked in thinking I was about 14 weeks, but I'm only 10 weeks along. No biggie. I don't mind this pregnancy right now, so I am not unhappy to spend another four weeks prego. However, I might feel differently come December! My new due date is January 3rd.
I think we should all place a bet on the birth date - what do you think? ha ha
Oh, I almost forgot - one more thing happened. I mentioned to the ultrasound chick about how the baby looked a little big for only being 10 weeks and right as I said that the baby started dancing. Literally, raised its hands up in the air and started dancing. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen. JD and I were laughing. Apparently, the technician girl had seen this before, she wasn't quite so amused!
Okay, so here is the baby's debut ...... drum roll please.....
D I P S T I C K ! ! ! !

Oh yeah, one more thing...I haven't gained 7 pounds - only a pound. Phew!
Congrats!! I am sooooooooooo happy for you!!
oh yeah, should have put my name.. lol..
AWWWW! Isn't that the coolest sight in the world. Okay maybe second. When you actually see them in your hands. Only one word of advice. Don't kiss his/her head till it has been washed. That stuff tastes NASTY! I kissed Nathan as soon as he was born and I swear I could not get rid of the taste hours later. Totally ruined the mood.
Congrats again
ohhhh, Tina....i am gagging!! ;o) Rachel, that is probably some very sound advice!
Oh goody, he/she raised his/her hands and danced. i guess now we know for sure who the mother is!!
Yep, I see arm and leg buds!!! Awww, isn't this awesome? Now you'll be anxiouslly awaiting each ultrasound to see the change. This is great!
By the way, the facility you're going to has nice clear ultrasounds, which is a huge plus!
I'm so happy for you! I love the nicknames your dad comes up with, people still ask me about the whole Dude thing :).
I started my job last Friday, I really like it. Everyone I work with is awesome.
Rachel forgot to mention that the first introduction of Dipstick was on my birthday!!!! I promise as we get closer to Dipstick being born it will be all about Dipstick. Rachel knows that I bought more gifts for Dipstick on vacation than anyone else. (It's my evil plan to produce an ORCAS!! - inside joke!)
Dancing baby huh...I'm guessing SHE will be a GIRL! :) Congratulations again!
Rachel B
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