Okay, so I posted yesterday and nobody responded. Typically I get one person, at least, to comment. Oh well. I guess y'all have stopped reading my blog because I've been slacking. I'll get over it. I guess now would be a good time for me to post belly pictures, then! ha ha
I'll tell you this much - I've been looking (incessantly) at pictures of different pregnant women at my stage in the game. SO...I've come to realize that we are all VERY different. I was worried about my belly at first, but not anymore. I've gained 10 pounds and I'm 20 weeks along. Doc says that is great! Yippee!!
first picture - 4 weeks 2nd picture - 20 weeks

Stay tuned for the latest and greatest contest.....if I can get some people to respond (even you SSRs - get to it) then I'll post the contest!!!
Ok, I am going to guess you're having a girl. You are carrying lower than I did. I can't wait to find out now!! What a cute baby belly Rachel!!!
Everyone keeps telling me it is going to be a girl. Although, EVERYONE in my family wants it to be a boy. I don't care - I'm just excited I have the privelege of being able to carry it!
Thanks for the compliment, Alicia. I'm starting to like the belly too.
by the way - I know I didn't have much of a butt before, but where has it gone in the last 20 weeks!? GEESH!!! ha ha
Shoot, I think I must've gotten your butt and everyone elses!!!
IT'S A GIRL!!! IT'S A GIRL!!! :) :)
Lookin' good girl! I miss ya.
Lee Ann
Who thinks it's a girl? Is that you, Storm...or Dad?
Lee Ann - I didn't know you were still a reader of my blog! Miss you!
Awe how cute! You look great! Can't wait to see it in person, lol. :)
Awww - thanks, Jessi!! Hey - is your address still on Suson Court?
Yay YAY! Good job, Rachel.
You mean I have to get pregnant in order to loose my bootie? Sign me up!
Just kidding.
Please Amanda doesn't have a bootie!
Thanks for the compliment, Amanda. Or - IS that a compliment "how cute are you?" The answer could be "not cute at all." Hmm....I'll have to think about that one.
And - quit with the excuses, Amanda - we know you want children...it has nothing to do with a bootie or no bootie!
Rachel (it won't let me sign in, for some reason)
I love the belly shots!!
Yep that's still my address.
Jess - perfect. Thanks
Rebecca - thank you! I'll be as big as a house very soon! ha ha!
You realize you are already half way there now right?
Yes - that is crazy to me. This last 20 weeks went by so fast - I can't imagine - it's going to be here before I know it!
Super cute belly photos Rachel. I love the black and white shirt you're wearing too.
Julie Z.
thanks, Julie! It's a maternity shirt - let me know when you want to borrow it! ;-)
You look great! I am not making a prediction either way, boy or girl, until I see you in person. Although, since you are due around my birthday you could have a little princess :-)
Love you!
thanks, Keppel! I actually feel pretty great, so I can't complain! Only a month and I'll be there!
You look great... Very happy for you..
Are the freckles having little babies too? They seem to be multiplying.
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