That's pretty much a summary of yesterday's outing to Babies 'R Us to register for our upcoming baby showers. JD didn't really want to go, although, he did the husbandly duty and accompanied me. However, when the lady at Babies 'R Us gave us the scanning gun, the game was ON! I wanted to start slowly and go through everything and he was like "WHY!? Just run by and shoot everything! If we get it, we get it, if we don't, we don't!" Oh lordy, lordy! So that's what he did - shot everything! Thank goodness we had a delete button. He caused no harm, though.
I was a bit apprehensive of the registration process, because I've never done it before. I kind of felt like I was telling people what to get me. It wasn't until after many people told me to "get over it" and I switched my thinking (to the baby's needs, not my pride) I decided to go through with it. I know it's a courtesy thing too. Because I KNOW that there are showers being planned, I can't expect people to guess what we need.
So, just for everyone's information (and my peace of mind), our purpose behind the way we register is based on everything we need and want. If someone wants to get us something, great...but everything we're registering for is basically our full-on list. That way, we have it all in one place and when all is said and done, we know what we still need to buy. So, there are some large items on there that we obviously don't expect anyone to purchase. I just felt weird putting them on there. Oh well - it's off my chest. Storm - I'll let you buy the crib, if you want.
So, what we did is...we registered at Babies 'R Us and plan on finishing up the registry at Target and Wal-Mart for those individuals who live here in Fayetteville and don't have access to cool stores! But, to make it easy on everyone, I'm combining the registries on one page.
Click here on MYREGISTRY and type in my name or JD's name. You will be prompted for a password. The password is "dipstick." If that sounds a little odd or harsh, allow me to explain. The first picture my Dad saw of the "baby" is the pregnancy test (the dipstick). And because we aren't finding out the sex, he started calling it "Dipstick." So, it's a term of endearment, really.
On our registry, you will see that everything is combined from Babies 'R Us, Target and soon-to-be Wal-Mart and some other random things that we would like to add to the collection of stuff.
Let me go back to our registering adventure. Wow, there are a LOT of things to choose from when having a baby. From wrist rattles, to strollers, to changing pads, to cribs, there were a ton of decisions to be made. Everything was pretty easy, until we got to the nursery decor. Nope, we still hadn't made a decision on the decorating. I think JD thought he could break me into finding out the sex before we did anything. So, because we know that isn't going to happen, we had to sit down and really discuss the nursery. We've gone from Curious George to the funky family painting to not decorating at all until the baby is born. Well, we settled on something. As we were going through the decorations at the store, one really just stood out to us. Nursery Rhymes. There is a collection at Babies 'R Us called Starlight and it's very muted greens and yellows and a little blue and white. It's all about sweet nursery rhymes. So, that's what we decided on. When we got home, I got online and searched through Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and really there are a lot that we'd like our children to learn - those that we learned as children as well. So, what a better way to incorporate that than in the nursery.
TEASER ...start thinking about what sex you think our baby will be...and maybe the length and weight....we'll be starting a baby pool in a couple weeks.....
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1 month ago
I love that theme for the nursery. You can't go wrong with it being too boyish/girlish. I also loved registering. Although it seemed like everything we got was not on the registry so we went and bought everything ourselves. Which is fine. But, the stuff you need is on your registry. I hope the majority of your friends USE it. I looked at your list, it's all adorable!!
I love the theme! SO CUTE!!! And, very peaceful. I love it. It will be perfect for lil' LLSH :)
Thanks, Kel! :-)
Cloth diapers?
No, we won't be using cloth diapers to diaper - we'll be using them as burp cloths/clean up rags. It's cheaper and...well, yeah....that's why.
A friend of mine is wanting to get rid of her crib and dresser/changing table. It is really nice. When you come in town we can go by and see it if you are interested. Let me know so I can tell her if she needs to hold on to it.
Rachel~ I do believe you found the perfect nursery decor -- so cute and great for either sex. You must have the patience of a saint to not find out - I'm proud of you. Oh - and you never know when I might actually need to borrow your shirt ;)
Julie Z.
As far as the baby betting pool is concerned - I'm saying 22 inches, 42lbs, and I'm not exactly sure it's going to be white.
I'm not saying you're a gold digger...
Hey Rachel-
I would be up for a betting pool and I have got to admit the previous blog made me laugh out loud and get wierd stares!
Lots of Luv-
Jessica (redhead)
Oh my gosh - funny Jessica... we need to straighten this out...there is Jessica B (red hair)...Jessica P (red hair)... and Jessica N (no red hair)
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