Okay, seriously - I don't think yoga is for me. I put in a prenatal yoga cd and lasted a whole 5 minutes 28 seconds. I don't like all that breathing deeply crap.
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1 month ago
Okay, seriously - I don't think yoga is for me. I put in a prenatal yoga cd and lasted a whole 5 minutes 28 seconds. I don't like all that breathing deeply crap.
I don't know about OLD, lol, but older! Just remember that Dude will be turning 21 in February, how crazy is that? I did notice that they both had wild when I was typing it, it made me laugh. And we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings, now, Mel isn't working and might even be going with us.
Carissa - my plan was to wait until labor to practice that.
Jess - yes, you're old! :-) BDubs...love that place! Enjoy! I want to see pictures of that WILD night!
The sad part is - I didn't even get to all of that. I seriously only got to the breathing part. Nothing more. SNOOOOZE!
I still love you...
Good - whoever you are, thanks!
Lastest? Seriously?
Yeah, okay - you're the ONLY one who noticed that. I'm changing it now.
I agree with you Rach, I also can't stand Yoga. It bores me and the deep breathing makes me light headed - but I found for a "holding/stretching" type exercise, that the pilates dvds were more entertaining.
Good call - I should try looking for a prenatal pilates dvd- wonder if they have those?
They do, they do!
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