Okay, it's been a while since I've posted. I get so overwhelmed with everything going on that I feel as if I need to totally go through the last week and write about everything. But, I'm not going to. Storm basically covered it all. We went to the races last weekend (pictures on Storm's blog) and Storm moved (also on his blog.)Now - for today's stuff. I went to the doctor again today. Remember a couple weeks ago they were telling me I was measuring five weeks further along, but they couldn't tell me for sure? Well, they measured me again and...no change - still measuring five weeks further along. So, they scheduled me for another ultrasound in the next week to two weeks. So, most likely they're going to be changing my due date. We'll see, though. Of course, I'll keep y'all posted. What's funny is, we don't know the sex of the baby or even CLOSE to a date of when to expect it...Storm made a good point - it's like a white elephant party game. You just don't know what you're going to get.
Then - they tell me that I need to stop driving to Greensboro to work. For two reasons, really...one because if something were to happen early I would be two hours away - alone. And if I went to a hospital out there, my insurance might not cover it - that's one heck of a bill to have hanging over our heads! And secondly - I shouldn't be driving those distances alone in case something happens and I'm on a rural route with no phone signal. Both good points. Then, she proceeds to tell me that if I was working behind a desk, she wouldn't be concerned. But because I'm training in a classroom, constant activity and on my feet a lot, I'm overdoing it already. I either need to stop or I'm going to end up on bedrest. I've been having what I thought were Braxton-Hicks contractions and she told me with the symptoms I'm giving her, that's not what they are. It's my body telling me I'm overdoing it ... and it's not worth it. At first, I got the superwoman complex and was thinking "she's crazy, I'm strong enough, I can do it all." However, I then got to thinking about how we have been told for the last three years that we weren't able to have children. Then, it happens - obvoiusly we've been given this opportunity to have a child and I need to swallow my pride and deal with the fact that I'm not invincible...if something were to happen to this baby, I would look back and blame myself for working too hard.
So, that's what's going on. Now I need to find a way to make this all work. I am the only one in my state organization who does what I do...and I have classes coming up....I've got a lot of praying and strategizing to do!!
Oh - one more thing - I thought I was wearing brown pants today and didn't realize until AFTER my class that they were black. I was wearing brown shoes, too - I looked like an idiot and nobody told me! How embarrassing!
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1 month ago
Chicky, you're exactly right. I think that's the best advice a pregnant woman can hear ~ Don't do anything that if something were to happen later you could look back and blame yourself for. I know it has to be hard to back down when you obviously feel such a responsibility to your job. However, you have a new responsibility now - to take care of you and that baby! Kudos for acknowledging that you need to take it easy! Don't worry too much - God is on your side! ;o}
Thanks for all your support, everyone! I'm getting very excited and really - this isn't a tough choice - it's all about Dipstick! :-) I talked to the boss today to let him know and I think we have it all covered - I'm not worried anymore.
Ernie says "what's wrong with brown and black together???????"
Oh, this is exciting. Will be anxious to hear how the Lord worked it out.
Take care of yourself and dipstick....iugh, the baby.
Love ya......
It's all about you and the baby! Take care of yourself!
I'm just glad you mentioned me in your blog...
You must be going crazy not knowing the sex, due date, or ethnicity of the baby...
And what's the latest on Rustardo? Remember, if you have to pick between Rusty or the baby - Rusty poops outside. Just think about it...
Do you need to tell us something, Rachel?
Ethnicity of the baby?
ha ha! Gotcha! Storm - starting rumors - you're horrible!
Only 3 more babies on your ticker!!!!
I can't believe you are denying the possibility, Rachel! My madre was right about you!
Rachel, some guy named Juan called me last night crying... mentioned something about baby, denial, and cheese enchiladas. Do you know what he is talking about?
Welcome to "baby brain"...your smarts will never be the same! Brown shoes with black pants...been there, done that! I've left the house with my flip flops on when I'm getting ready to go to work. Now, some of my forgetfulness might be stress induced and not baby brain (from five years ago)...but still!
Can someone (like a new person with the company) drive with you to work? (Yes, I'm a little behind on reading your blogs!)
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