So, I'm painting the nursery and decided to take a break to check the weather. Which, by the way, is going to be just PERFECT for the next week! It's about 67 outside right now and will get to 80 as the high throughout the week. I can open the windows again! We had to close them the other night due to a freak rainstorm that lasted just long enough for me to get all the windows closed. Figures.So, I was thinking...why does the color yellow have to be so hard? We wanted the nursery yellow, but not the banana yellow that was in there before. So, we went, picked out some colors, tested them and finally decided on the one we're using. I had to put on two coats of primer to cover the yellow so I can repaint in yellow - seems odd, now that I'm typing it. So today I'm in there edging out the room and this yellow looks almost ... oh, what's the word ... neon. I had to stretch back a couple years to grab that word. I'm really hoping it's just because of the lighting right now, the fact that it's wet and maybe I'm a bit light-headed from being on a ladder...because this is the color we're going with. Period. Oh well. I guess I'm a little spoiled because every other room I've painted in the house has turned out pretty easy to get the right color. Maybe I'm losing my "touch?" (or maybe the rest of the house is ugly and nobody has told me yet!)
Wish me luck - I'm headed back to finish out the edging and roll on one coat. I'm sure the color of the room is not going to affect our child in ANY way, so why I make such a big deal out of it, I'm unsure.
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1 month ago
Rachel, you know I scan your blog just looking for my name. Include me more and I'm more likely to read it...
Okay... note to self:
Storm is extremely vain, so randomly placing his name in your entries will not only encourage him to read, but also his psycho ex girlfriend to find him again during a google which he will reply "gosh, it's been so long, I wonder how she found me again!"
First off, I've never dated a psycho girlfriend. Second off, if it's a note to self then why does everyone need to read it? Oh, you're sniffing paint fumes... now I get it. You know who else suffered from paint related problems? Layla. And look what she did last week... she pushed a car onto her owner. I'm just saying...
haha...Storm is getting defensive!
Don't bright colors stimulate brain development in children? I bet it looks great. :)
Surprisingly enough, after I finished the first coat, it turned out to be not so neon. It's actually quite pale and, I guess I was just lightheaded from the ladder! :-) ha ha
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