The day we got internet, cable and phone (also known as one of the best days of our lives) we unofficially decided to put the breaks on getting the house together. It's still in complete disarray, but by golly we have ESPN!! JD's in there somewhere....Okay, so I'm pretty excited about the wireless I don't have to steal.
Then we went outside today only to see this...
Look a little closer...Yep, it's two snakes 'a mating. I'm pretty sure that is in the Twelve Days of Christmas song.
Kris, I knew you would especially love this post, so I took as many pictures as possible.I'm torn on whether to put out snake poison or just embrace their presence? There are more under our bushes out front, but they are Texas Rat Snakes. Cleverly named because they eat rats. They are nonvenomous and well, I pretty much talked myself into keeping the little's either rats or snakes...
I choose snakes.
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5 weeks ago
It's official...I am never coming to visit! Well maybe but not until you get rid of is my thought....the snakes look pretty big. Meaning that they have eaten all the rats. So the rats are gone....go get the snake poison.....
And don't ever email me again to look at snake pictures.
Love you~
EEeeek! Maybe you could find some good snake recipes down there in snake country...mmm...
SNAKES!?!? Sssssweet!! Seriously, though, I know you said they are non-venomous but do they have sharp teeth?? YIKES!! Happy unpacking.
Julie Z.
I'm with you Rach. Definitely Snakes over rats. Snakes have no teeth and don't carry a myriad of diseases. I would opt for no snake poison - their bites don't feel good but if they aren't venemous, they don't pass on rabies or other toxins like rats would. Nice pictures by the way (speaking from a person who had a pet ball python for a year).
so much for putting LL out back on a blanket for playtime!!!!
what's rusty think of them? we'd have dead rat snacks if it were up to havick and gracie.
Rachel - I just sent you an email with proof snakes have teeth...I did some research on the Texas Rat Snake and they have "needle-like" teeth but apparently it only hurts if you get bit by a really big one and they only bite if provoked. Others have opted to let them stay in their yard. Keep us all posted (especially if Thelma and Ssstan make babies) hee-hee.
I am sooo scared of snakes...kill em! YUCK, LOL
I think you should call animal control and get rid of them especially since they will probably be laying eggs soon and will probably become very protective of their nest. I would hate for miss LL to get bitten.
How do you know they're Texas Rat Snakes and not just regular Rat Snakes? Cowboy hats? Spurs? Blatant disregard for the other 49 states?
Okay I think I would have freaked if I saw that in our yard here...and never let Ty out! Can ya tell I am not a big snake fan?
I'm wondering what the other choice was?
I think I would choose traps for both.. that would be my choice I think.. maybe a cat.. pig.. donkey.. something other than rats or snakes..
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