I don't normally do these, but because I like HER so much (and the fact that you never want to make a pregnant woman mad) I'll do it. Here goes...
What was I doing 10 years ago?
Seriously? I'm not sure if I remember what I was doing 10 minutes ago.
10 years ago. Sadly, not doing much. Working as a technical writer (most boring job on earth) for Harley Davidson. I wrote manuals (much like the ones you never read on how to set up your dvd player) for embroidery machines at HD. Fun, right?
5 things on my to-do list for today?
I'll go for tomorrow's list, since most of them are from today anyway!
1) make food for party
2) make shirts for party (I'll post pictures and explain later)
3) finish Lorelai's dress (pictures to come, this is outfit #2 I've made her)
4) Ped.I.Cure. In serious need.
5 snacks I enjoy:
Only five?
1) crackers and cheese
2) kettle-cooked chips (jalepeno or salt and vinegar)
3) strawberries
4) chocolate (that's a snack, right?)
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:(this is in no particular order)
1) Tithe 10%. Because, well, that's what God tells us to do.
2) Change my name and stop writing on this blog. Because you know I would have instant "friends" who would want my money. Those of you who are here are ones who care about me....because you know I'm poor.
3) Pay off my Dad's debt and allow him to retire.
4) Start our compound. Don't be scared. I'd buy all my friends houses on beautiful land. We will homeschool and....okay, this is starting to sound scary.
5) Pay off all our debts and our families' debts.
5 bad habits:
1) Blogging (my husband would say it is a bad habit)
2) eating (eating too much, of course, I mean...we have to eat)
3) biting my lip
4) comparing myself to others
5) separating my food on my plate (I don't think this is a bad habit, but JD does.)
5 places I've lived:
1) St. Peters, MO
2) O'Fallon, MO
3) St. Charles, MO (yeah, I venture far out, don't I!?)
4) Fayetteville, NC
5) San Antonio, TX
5 jobs I've had:
1) Wife and mom - best and most rewarding, for SURE!!
2) Aflac - started as a sales associate, then a District Sales Coordinator, then a State Trainer for NC.
3) Executive Assistant at the corporate office of Carpet One/Flooring America.
4) Technical Writer
5) Golf Course Food and Beverage Director
Okay, that's a little about me. Forgive me, Jessie, but I'm not going to tag anyone. If you want to play along, feel free...and post a comment so others can see what you wrote!
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1 month ago
I love for playing along and totally forgive you for not tagging anyone. I happen to have nothing better to do while waiting for this baby to arrive but read other people's blogs...and wait!
I just realized I didn't put five things on a few of them.
Not that I would compare myself to anyone but apparently I need to start blogging and start making things for Hunter to wear! You go girl!
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