Just watched elimination round tonight for Idol.
Did you notice that they put "Jesus" back in as the first word of the song "Shout to the Lord?" Did you notice that they didn't say it last night? I wonder if they caught grief for it? Either way, it's still a fantastic praise song!
Here it is from last night, if you didn't get to see it.
I was surprised at tonight's outcome. But, at this point, someone has to go every week, so it's going to get harder. There are three, maybe four contestants, I think who could win this season. Obviously, only one will. My guess is, it will be David Archuleta. I think it should be David Cook, but the way those fans cheer when Archuleta sings....makes me think differently.
Who I think will be the top four: David Cook, David Archuleta, Brooke White, Carly Smithson
Who goes next week: Kristy Lee Cook. For crying out loud, people, she should have been gone weeks ago!
So tonight, Michael Johns, (too soon) we kiss your ascot goodbye.
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1 month ago
Hmmm... I didn't catch that last night. Glad they sang the praise song in its original form tonight! Like you said, regardless, it was pretty cool to hear them bustin' out some praise music for a change!
This season has been a little challenging to get into for me...no real favorites, but your blog makes it more enjoyable. Thanks for the great recaps!
Take care-
"Kiss your ascot goodbye."
I love that line!
I am so disappointed to see him go. I think it should have been Syesha.
I hope David Cook wins. David A. is too sweet and sappy for me.
I didn't see that one, just the one on elimination night, so thanks for posting it. I agree, Kristy should have been gone awhile ago. I wasn't all too attached to Michael Johns so no heartbreak for me.
So I didn't see it last night and when I played the song from last night Madison stands from breakfast and say "Hey, I know that song!" then she busted into worship and dance....LOVE IT!! And she is still singing it :)
Wow, I expected it to be Kristy as well.
We sing Shout to the Lord at church I am a big fan of the song. I did not notice the change last night because I only caught Brooke not getting voted out...
Good luck on the computer thing. I am now going to check how much space I have!!!!
I've been seeing this video everywhere but last night they were NOT all wearing the matching white. They were all in normal clothes. When was this aired?
I just saw the elimination round and was excited to hear the song as I heard all about it! I am sooo surprised they sang Shout to the LORd- a great tune! Powerful! I was surprised Michael went last night...was hoping for Kristy Lee or Syesha!
I missed it, but dh filled me in. My favorite is David Cook. I miss Michael, though. You're right, it's time for Kristy Lee to hit the road--though I'll be sad she didn't win the money to buy her horse back.
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Hi Rachel -
Hello from Ken and Mara. I just stopped by your site to say hi and to see how you are doing. We are leaving Bragg soon. I never imagined that. Going to DC! Our little Arabella will be here soon - we are due in early June. Ken already has his "Kangakid" backpack to take Bella around DC. Talk to you later! Mara
Thanks for your comment!
I think Michael went too soon as well, but at this point...somebody's gotta go. I am surprised Kristy has stayed as long as she has! We'll see what happens this week!
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