Just a quick update. I haven't blogged because Lorelai woke up yesterday really ill. She had spiking fevers, was vomiting and didn't move, play or even smile for about 15 hours. She was so lethargic. We medicated her, yet her fever continued to rise. Afraid of another nightmare UTI, we finally took her into the ER. As soon as we arrived, her fever had broken (after 18 hours) and there was about a six hour wait. We decided to bring her back home.
After continuous medication, snuggling, and sleeping and she woke up this morning a new child. She still has a slight fever, but nothing alarming. She's actually been playing, even though she's still weak and tired. I chose to snuggle and coddle her yesterday rather than blog. Surely you've forgiven me.
I'll try to get back to the regularly scheduled program after this all blows over. I feel like I have a newborn again, only getting two or three hours of sleep last night, so I need to take a nap!
Have a great day and hopefully we'll be back to normal soon!
By the way, and this is not meant to be a side note.....it's our FIVE YEAR anniversary today! WOW!!! Who would've thunk it!? Love you, JD!
I'll work on a good post and maybe even a good picture to put up tomorrow. :-)
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2 weeks ago
Nights like that are the worst! But nothing beats a Mommy at times like that. Hopefully she will continue to be better throughout today and tomorrow.
A 6 hour wait! Even for a child! That's awful.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Everyone is hitting that magic 5 this year, I feel like!
Poor Baby! Glad to hear that she's feeling better. Take a nap with your baby before she wakes up a toddler again. And Happy Anniversary!
Poor Lorelai! Bless her little heart! I'm glad she's feeling a little better today.
Having a sick baby is the worst feeling ever! You just feel so helpless.
I hope she is fully recovered soon! I'm looking forward to a new post!
Try to get some rest.
Yay! 5 years! That is almost just like Andrew and I who are at 1 month today....ha ha. Congratulations!!
You have to threaten a huge illness like that with a trip to the ER to put it in its place. Seems to work quite often.
Get well soo, Lorelai! Being sick like that is no fun. For mommas either! :(
And, Happy Anniversary! Five years! Doesn't time fly?? Maybe your hubby can bring dinner home for you, as you shouldn't be cooking on your anniversary. (Although, I am sure it's safe to guess you aren't cooking anyway right now.)
Blessings to you, friend!
Congrats! It feels like only yesterday I was watching you guys get married. Oh wait...
I'm so glad she's feeling better!
And Happy Anniversary! Today is my eighth anniversary. Woohoo!
awww, poor lorelai! sweet little thing. i hope she cont's to get better.
happy 5th anniversary!
You take 'em both and there ya have the Facts of Life, The Facts of Life, there's a time ya gotta...Ope, sorry, I thought you were starting a montage :) Guess I'll read through the entire post :)
I'm glad your baby is feeling better! Nothing makes you feel needed as a mommy and daddy like a day spent with a sick baby in your arms! CJ's parental ego always rises a few notches when Maddy is sick :).
And happy anniversary!
Yeah for you guys but poor Lala. Hope you guys (you and JD) got to do some snugglin' of your own!
So sorry for Lorelai :( And you! Nothing worse when you can't fix the booboos as fast as you'd like.
Glad she's feeling better. Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!
Off to put my daughter back into bed. For the 8th time....... (Yes, it's 9:22pm and she's rockin the house.......)
I read this hours ago and didn't comment. I've come back to say "thanks alot---I've been singing the Facts of Life all day."
What cervato said. All. Day. Long. :)
I can't believe I didn't wish you Happy Anniversary when I talked to you earlier. What a great friend I am! I hope you had a great evening together despite the no-sleep night you all had.
Kiss Lala for me. I hope she feels better soon.
I'm so happy to know she's doing better. The only thought worse than seeing her in the pool crying, is her being sick! I don't know how you do it, I'd be crying all day long!
Sorry that you had a sick kiddo and a sleepless night. Those suck - and every time one of my twins would get the stomach flu - I would get so apprehensive anticipating when the other shoe would drop and the other twin start. We had 2 spring breaks in a row where all 5 of us passed the stomach flu around the entire week. Nothing worse. I pray that you will not get her tummy bug.
side note - last night was mostly sleepless for us - but it was the DOG whose stomach was upset. she kept me awake the majority of the night. It really does take you right back to having an infant - you hit that nail RIGHT on the head.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww your poor little one! I'm so sorry to hear she wasn't feeling well. It's so sad when our kids are sick. :(
HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Hope it's a very blessed one!
So glad to hear that Lorelai finally came around and started feeling somewhat better. That six hour wait at the hospital was ridiculous!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary!!!
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