February 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, happy birthday, happy Valentine's Day, happy anniversary AND Thanksgiving Present

Make sure you don't have high hopes for this post. It's been more than a WEEK since I've posted and I'm no more inspired than I have been the past seven days.

So, I'll just get on with it. Don't say I didn't warn you!

JD is always asking me what I want for [insert holiday here.] My answer is always the same "I don't want anything." Because, genuinely, that's the truth. I want for nothing. Well, aside from another baby. But, he can't really order one of those for [insert holiday here.]

But this year, he was obviously listening to me mitch and boan in the kitchen about a certain appliance. I know I'm a little late, because my birthday was two weeks ago, but whatever. Anyway....for my birthday this year, he surprised me with this.

Yeah, I pretty much fell out of my chair when I opened it. I cannot BELIEVE he got me a KitchenAid Mixer! I had no idea. I was very surprised and super happy. It's an amazing appliance. I never knew what I was missing. If you are thinking about getting a new mixer, I highly suggest waiting for a discount on Amazon and snagging you up one of those babies!

Oh....and as if the mixer wasn't enough, he had been saving up and decided to get me this.....

Yeah, I know....my fingers look super fat. That's because, well...cuz they are! :-)

So, these two gifts are pretty much going to be Merry Christmas, happy birthday, happy Valentine's Day, happy anniversary AND Thanksgiving for me for the next year or so!

post signature


Anonymous said...

What a guy!

I saved up for one years ago, but once I started all this cake silliness, I decided I needed a bigger one. Hubs obliged me, too.

Don't you feel like mashing and mixing everything?

There's no greater man than one who buys these for his wife. I definitely say it's an appliance worthy of gift-giving!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! The ring and the mixer.

Heather said...

YAY, RACHEL!!!! YAY!!! :-) That hubby of yours is something special (even if he does make cottage cheese jokes!!!).

Rebecca said...

I love my mixer and honestly, don't know how I could bake without one (how did YOU ever do it?!!!). YAY, way to go JD!

And what a gorgeous ring setting! LOVE IT!!! Definitely two very worthy items for a great blog post!!!!

suzspeaks said...

Yea you!! I got a kitchen aid for Christmas... and I love it!! Your new ring is gorgeous!

Mrs. Fabulous said...

Can your husband call mine??

GORGEOUS ring!!!!!!

...and your fingers are NOT fat! You're silly!

Lexie said...

Wait? You get Thanksgiving presents? (I have been missing out all these years!) JK

And now everyone will gasp because I will admit I have a Kitchen Aid Mixer and I RARELY use it. It doesn't sit on the counter so it HAS to be for something important. I think its easier just to mix/mash, etc on my own.

JD, very nice and thoughtful gifts.

Tara said...

Happy Belated Brithday!

Way to go JD! The mixer is great by itself and then the rings too! Gorgeous!

the fortenberrys said...

I can't think of anyone more worthy of these two wonderful gifts! Love you, Alyssa

Anonymous said...

Rachel! JD is so awesome. That is so impressive he came up with 2 great gifts on his own.
I love our kitchen aid mixer too. We bought an attachment to grind meat so sometimes when meat is on sale I'll buy extra and grind it up for burgers. I do this with chicken too to make chicken burgers. LOVE IT.
That ring is absolutely gorgeous. I don't remember what your ring before looked like so you'll have to post (or email) a pic.
P.S. Thanks for blogging. I got on my computer as soon as I got home just to read =)

Jo said...

Wowza squared.

Rachel said...

WOW!!! I LOVE my Kitchen Aid. My dad's family went in together and bought it for me when we got married. I have lovingly carried it to every new house placed in a seat belt in my car. I truly LOVE that thing!

The ring is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Rachel my dear,
I am so happy for you !
Your gifts frm hubby, are straight up AWESOME !

I especially love the "sparkley".
A girl can NEVER, have too many of them !

Luv you,
Alyssa's aunt helen

stormhuse said...

Well done, Jotade. And I'm glad you liked the mixer... when I started reading the post I got nervous - sometimes kitchen appliances don't go over well, even with the best of intentions.

Mari said...

WHOA! That ring is BEAUTIFUL! And nonsense with the fat fingers. Besides, they are going to the the last thing people are looking at with that rock on your hand!

I love love love our mixer, and they last forever! My MIL still has hers that she got as a wedding gift.

Beth Cotell said...

That ring is gorgeous!! GORGEOUS!

thetoothchick said...

Your husband is awesome!!! That ring is absolutely gorgeous. Dave got me a Kitchen Aid mixer for my birthday last year and I love it, too. I look for any excuse to use it. They are wonderful.

Chelsea said...

Umm how can you I get into a family that gives presents on thanksgiving? All I end up getting is heartburn. Ok seriously you deserve both of those amazing gifts, because YOU are amazing!

j.d. said...

Worm - if she hadn't shown interest in it on Amazon, I never would have bought her the mixer...kinda like Dad buying Mom tents for their anniversary, huh?

Anonymous said...

Rach-they are gorgeous! I never saw your wring before... what did it look like?

Throwin' Fitz said...

You could've warned me to put my shades on before reading the post... NICE BLING!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have to tell you that you will LOVE your mixer. My mom had one when I was growing up so that's what I used to....what a rude awakening when I moved into my first apartment and could only buy a rinky dink hand mixer....I cried and whined so much my parents got me one for my next birthday - hee! And I love the rings....BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

Julie Z.

Cheri said...

What what awesome gifts. The ring is beautiful and I have to say that I LOVE my Kitchenaid!!! Will never be without one. Can your husband talk to mine.........Jesse stinks at buying gifts!!! lol


Erika said...

Wow, what a great guy you have! That is a beautiful mixer and ring!

Joanne and Deric said...

JD is about to get beat up by everyone who reads your blog husbands!!!!
But WOW!!!!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...


Uma and Wil said...

Well done, JD! I think you've earned a stack of "Get Out Of Jail Free" cards and many brownie points.

Mixed Up Chromosomes said...

Your gifts (and hubby) rock!!! How sweet and what a great surprise!!! He's set the standard high. What will you get him for an Easter present?!!?

M.E. said...

That mixer has been on my wish list for awhile. I don't know if I would use it enough to justify the cost, ya know?
Absolutely LOVE that ring! Wow, is is amazing!

BequetteDESIGN said...

Yeah, I'm behind on reading your blogger posts... I admit it. I've switched to Facebook and apparently it's taken over my blogger addiction entirely... lol

Anyway, your ring looks stunningly beautiful!!! I absolutely adore it!

Brittany said...

ummmmm.....LOVE YOUR RING! Oh my goodness, can I just say - gorgeous! Now I want one!!
And I couldn't live without my kitchen aid -it is wonderful!!

So worth all the gifts for the next 2 years!