Yep - I sure did. This is officially the first time I have felt the baby move. At first, I wasn't real sure what it was, but then I went ahead and sat back on the bed, put my hands on my belly and waited. Sure enough, that's what it was. I can't WAIT until it becomes WAY CLEAR that it's the baby moving. How exciting! It's real, it's real!!!
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1 month ago
how cool is that!!!! I am so excited for you.
- kel
Yep, it's a boy!
Anonymous - who are you? Speak up! DADDDDDDD!!!!???
YEAH! Isn't that the coolest feeling ever! I remember if felt a bit like fluttering. Just wait until she, I mean, dipstick really starts moving!
Awe congrats!
I'm starting my 3rd year of college today... fun fun.
Already!? GEESH, Jess! Good luck!
That's so cool (and a little freaky if I do say so myself) :) I miss you - it's been too long since we have hung out!!!!
Awww Rachel this is so exciting! I almost teared up when I read how excited you were!! You're gonna be such a good Momma!!! Love ya girl!
Rebecca - I totally agree - a little freaky. Wait until you can see it from your angle! You think THIS is freaky! haha! Yes, we do need to get together. What are y'all doing this weekend? Your hubby is on that jump tonight, isn't he?
Alicia - thank you! I sure hope I am! How are you doing?
Isn't it the best feeling in the world?? It was definitely my favorite.
You should make some sort of scrapbook with your blog entries so that years from now the baby can look back at how you thought and felt while prego.
Rach - Yep, he jumped last night so I am sure he will come home this afternoon and crash. On Friday we have our cell group Bible Study and then Saturday we are going to the cell group BBQ.. what about going out to lunch on Sunday after church? Let me know.
Jess, you're right - I have a pregnancy book that I'm keeping right now and I'll have to print out everything and put it in there too.
church on Sunday works for us. Or - we could even put something in the crockpot here at the house and come back and play games or something??
Did the baby move or did it have something to do with the fact that you had three straight days of mexican food?
Seriously, let's get some mexican food tonight.
Whatever you guys want to do Rach- I could also bring something over too - like brownies and/or salad. Let me know what you guys want to do. And maybe Storm would grace us with his presence :)? I could also see what Branden is up to.
Isn't that the best feeling? Not as good as actually holding the baby in your arms, but close!
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