Storm, I am SO not updating because you asked me to, so don't even go there.
Our house has been a busy one. We've had a few weeks of out-of-town visitors and the computer has actually been on the back burner for me. It feels kind of good, too. :-)
Y'all know how I was going to run a 5k? Well, I didn't. But, Shannon did. Here is a slide show from that event....
To round this out... I said I would never know what to do if I had a girly girl. I was right. I have no clue. Good thing she's got it all covered.
Oh Dear God, how did you drag someone to the Alamo in this heat??? My God, the HEAT, I'm sayin.
Great pics.
I'm technologically challenged, so slideshows and video WITH SOUND, YA'LL, really impress me!
Great pics. How could you have done a 5K with your ailing feet? Lorelai is so cute with the dog... and I can't believe the comparison of the hands! That is great.
And no fears, the girly girls always seem to cover the bases where their moms are lacking. Just ask mine... she'll tell you while she's stringing beads around your neck, barettes in your hair and trying to get you to use her flashy pink metallic purse for your own :)
How cute is she with that necklace! Such a stylin' accessory, you know... :)
You have a fashionista on your hands...she is too cute!
Oh my gosh....Love her curls in the back of her hair.
Parenting class? umm tell me more I could use some direction with Parker :)
The hand picture is great. Poor Seven, he was great sport.
Sigh--I wanna go to the Alamo and the Riverwalk again!!!! It's been 5 years!
Awesome pics, thanks for the update!
Well I would say that I could help you considering I have two very girly-girl girls, but I just have to throw my hands in the air when they fret about which shoes to wear, cry that they can't find their Hello Kitty purse, or when they walk in with their pink sunglasses on upside down. I just don't get it, but at least they have each other. :)
I was the one climbing trees, building forts, and playing pirates with the neighbors as a kid. Ha ha!
You are correct - that is considered torture by PETA. That poor, little dog. Did she know it was alive and not a stuffed animal? Too funny!
I love the flapper look. LOL! She is so your daughter. Already experimenting with her jewerly. Look out!
girly-girls are such a blessing from God! :-)
i'd love to hear more about your parenting class...
come over to my place and join in with feel good friday! and don't make me's really embarrassing! hehehe
Those are great pictures! It looks like the little dog played well with Lorelai.
So you're not a girlie girl?? But I bet she'll have lots of fun hairstyles when she get older!!
Parenting advice-wow-a big order! Now that I'm a grandmother and can speak from the podium of "been there-done that" I'd give the following advice:
1) Love them unconditionally
2) Listen to them always, even when you don't like what they have to say
3) Let them make some mistakes when they are still "under your roof" so you can be there to pick up the pieces
4) Learn to pick your battles and keep them few
5) Lean on God's principles and teach your kid's to do the same
Enjoy the parenting experience!!
*sniff sniff* I wanted a girly GIRL ! ! ! lol (Grrr... boys.) Those pics are just too adorable for words.
Great pictures :-)
Girly girl? So far Ty's doesn't appear to be one so I can't help ya there...(will be interesting to see if Alex is)
Kel called it the 'flapper look' and that was the 1st thing that popped into my head too - totally ADORABLE!
Love your pictures.
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My goodness, your girly is adorable! Sounds like you guys are keeping busy and having fun. Enjoy your summer!
As always your daughter is adorable!!! I know you don't really do meme's but I do have an award for you at my blog if your feet are better and you can walk over and get it. Hey, you deserve it if for nothing else all your great AI commentary!!!
Love the necklaces! I think she needs lots of plastic jewlry!
The "Pucker Up" picture cracks me up. I'm constantly amazed by how quickly she seems to grow every time you post her pictures. And I really wouldn't know what to do if Chase wants me to teach her to wear make up beyond tinted lip gloss.
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