Seriously. I know my body changed big time when I hit 25, but holy cow. I feel like an 80-year-old! While my left foot is all swollen and looks like this....
I go and do this.
Yep, there is a high chair that has been sitting in the same spot for the last, oh, 8 months. It pretty much jumped right out in front of me and attacked my toe.
It's broken. It hurts.
And now I'm walking around like a cripple. Every step I take makes me cry out.
If this would have happened five or ten years ago, I wouldn't have blinked an eye. I would have already been back in my 4" heels. Right now I'm afraid to put on my flip flops.
I don't want to get any older!
So, here's another fun picture of Lorelai. After the comments on the last picture, I'm avoiding most of the dog pictures for now. I don't want PETA calling on me. Lorelai really wasn't abusing that dog. It just looks as though she was pulling out her WWE moves.
Here she is trying to feed her BFF with a straw. I'm sure this was moments before she jammed the straw down her throat. She's so dainty and sweet.
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1 month ago
i just turned 30 in january and i am constantly running into things and have currently 7 bruises on my legs...i look like i've been beaten! is the getting paid to blog thing going? can you blog on how that works or email me?
I am cracking up that you photographed your feet!
Elizabeth, I'm glad you're feeling it with me. I'm sorry about the bruises, but it helps that you're with me on this!
Alyssa, this isn't the first time, oddly enough.
If these things happen in threes, you better wrap your feet in bubble wrap.
Also, you obviously made faces when you used to feed Lorelai. Check out her mouth.
Poor foot! Ouch!
She is such a little ham, I love it. When are you coming back to Fay town?!
OUCH!!! That looks painful. Hang in'll be back in your flip flops in no time1
Brenda is so right... check out the face... That or the straw is an early WWE precursor to the chair ;)
At least your toes were painted nicely before you shared your busted up feet with the world wide web :)
Here's to quick healing.
That looks so painfull - I'm sorry this happend to you - at least your getting rest with a running toddler (not) I hope it gets better soon.
Yeah, I think bad things happen in threes. Definitely invest in the bubble wrap!
The picture is really cute... my baby boy does that when he's trying to feed me. And I still make faces at him when I'm trying to get him to eat.
Feel better soon!
I love the picture of the girls. Hope your foot get better soon. Jazzercise must be missing you. And how do you have time to have a pedicure?
Great picture of L. At least your toes are all pretty for the pics! Hope you get back on your feet haaa haaa haaa soon. Yes, I am cracking myself up!
Two things:
1) you have to see this website
2) blergh - i'll email you
Hey There,
I know that has to hurt but on the bright side your toes do look great!!!
time for an update...
You update and I will, Storm.
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