One of the great things about a blog is that I get to share a lot of things I wouldn't just normally throw out there. Like our fertility problems.
Long story short, it took us three years to conceive Lorelai.
We have now been trying for almost 14 months to conceive baby #2. To get a consultation request for the infertility clinic, you have to have been trying for a year to conceive. Check. A request for the infertility clinic went in on April 29th for me. Today, JUNE 9TH, I get a phone call from the clinic.
Here is a snippit from our convo.
Mrs. Huse?
I just wanted to let you know that you've been accepted into our clinic. (said as if I had just won the lottery or something)
Okay, great. Now what?
Well, you are now a patient, so we can set up an initial appointment for you.
Awesome! Let's do that.
Okay. Right now there is a 6-8 month wait....
Blah, blah, blah.... You could imagine the rest of the words exchanged. Needless to say, I'm not going to just accept that answer. I'll be pressing on for a better one.
I have some fun pictures of the last few is a sneak peek...
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1 month ago
Ah, I have been there. Two or three years and a round of Clomid for Sweetheart (which we found out was NOT why we got pregnant)and 8 months the next time. Much better. Kinda made me wonder why I freaked out when I missed a pill on our honeymoon. Who knew there was no danger? :)
Hope you can find better help than the foot doctor!
You go girl! Hope you get that appointment asap!
6-8 MONTH wait?! That is absolutely ridiculous! I mean, 6-9 weeks, ok but not Months!
Wow, Lala is growing up so fast. What an adorable picture.. besides the fact that she may be strangling that poor puppy, ha ha jk. She's cute as ever!
6-8 months, huh? Praying that by the time they fit you in you'll be expecting and won't need them.
Seriously, I'll be praying.
I can only imagine how frustrating that is. I have heard from others that they try so hard to get "accepted" (its not Harvard here, people) and then sometimes you have to wait up to a year! I have heard many "success stories" on both ends of the spectrum about conceiving after exhausting nearly all options. I wish you the best.
Now, seriously, is the dog still alive? So cute! Can't wait for more!
Praying RIGHT NOW that you don't have to wait that long!
Ha! After the "strangling dog" comments I had to look again at the picture...
So, is it still alive? :)
I, too, hope by the time your appointment comes up you don't need them anymore.
We are about to start really trying (we haven't been preventing since Sept.) Before I got preggers with Hunter I had to have surgery to remove one of my tubes. So now it is all up to lefty. It does worry me a little, I really want Hunter to have a sibling.
Good luck!
Oh my gosh, y'all are just killing me! I hadn't even noticed that Lorelai was nearly choking the puppy (Seven is his name) in that photo. I was too focused on the fact that she was making that funny face after he just licked her!
And thank you so much for all of the encouragement! I'll keep y'all posted on any progress!
Hopefully you won't have to actually wait 6-8 months. I'll be praying for y'all.
The first thing I noticed in the picture, besides the face that Lorelai was making, was what looked like a nice chokehold she had on the dog. What a cute picture!!
Don't even get me started on our FABULOUS military health's even better overseas (insert sad face). It's comforting to know that your hubby won't be treating people like that though :0) That photo of Lorelai is too precious!! I'll be praying that you have an equally cute sibling for her soon.
Love ya, Julie Z.
Hi There--don't want to freak you out or anything. We're "Tim and Stef" from Mike and Kallie's blog (Aunt and Uncle to Jack) and I love to check out their friends blogs. It's amazing to me how different our lives are. (My husband, Tim is the non-military guy of the McKean family.) I just wanted to say we're praying for you too--we have no kids, been trying for two years now and nothing. Just started Clomid (there's our history)...Anyways, it seems like the entire world is pregnant while the rest of us try like crazy for not... Just know that people you don't even know are praying too--out in California! :) I figure we can use all the prayer we can get!!
Did you guys get a puppy? Did I miss that post?
I have all of my fingers and toes crossed for you. It worked for my sister when she was trying to get pregnant this time around :) Hang in there sweets, we're all praying for you!!!
I know when Ella had to go to a Pediatric Neurologist, there was a wait at BAMC so we received an automatic referral to a civilian Ped-Neuro and an apt right away, same insurance coverage. Check to see (you probably already have, but just in case...) if you can have a referral to a civilian fertility specialist, of which San Antonio civilian docs are some of the best in the country.
I am almost willing to bet that no one in that clinic has ever had a need for a fertility doctor or else they would be like Mrs. Shieffer and have you right in.
Sorry to hear about the ridiculous wait. I know all will work out in the end. We need more cute little people like your darling girl to populate the earth. And I would love to see the face Lorelai would make if one of our ginormous puppies licked her face. I mean their tongues are the size of a boat paddle.
Relax..You'll get pregnant! Don't you just want to hit everyone who says that to you. We heard it all the time. I will pray you get an apt. earlier, i understand what it feels like to wait. If you need to call and vent please do. I dread going through it again. Have you thought about calling here to get in with Dr. Parker? He helped bless us with our IVF miracle!
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