I have an addictive personality. A while back, I learned how to knit. I instantly became addicted and proceeded to purchase every inch of yarn I saw for the following two years.
I now have 48 scarves I'll never wear (at least in Texas) and three huge tubs full of yarn I'll probably never knit again. Not to mention about 15+ knitting projects half-completed that will probably never be finished.
My newest addiction is sewing. I think Uma said something like this before, but there is something terribly satisfying about being able to provide someone something that you made, be it breast milk or a handmade dress. I'll skip the breast milk talk for now, don't worry.
I've made three dresses now for Lorelai using the tutorial I talked about in a recent post. Then I recently became addicted to this site. Seriously, there are so many projects I want to start, I just have to hold myself back, because I have just as many projects already started. (I have two friends who are just waiting to jump on this statement.)
However, someone's birthday came up and I couldn't think of a THING to buy her, so I made her something. Alyssa likes yoga and I've often seen a yoga mat rolling around in the back of her vehicle. So, I found this tutorial and went to work. I added an all-around pocket, binding (which I had NO idea how to do) and matching lining. I was extremely pleased with the way it turned out.
She liked it so much, she bought a new yoga mat to fit it perfectly (totally my words, not hers). Here are some pictures. I had so much fun making it and it's seriously gratifying to hand-craft something for someone.
Comments and critiques welcome.
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1 month ago
You're so crafty! :) haha what's funny about that is that someone told me the same thing this morning. I told her I spray painted a shelf. :) I told her it didn't match my new stuff, so I spray painting it and she said she would have just thrown it away!LOL, and because I thought to spray paint it that makes me crafty! :)
I'm saying it again: E-T-S-Y. My advanced order will be forward shortly.
P.S. Thanks for the shout out!
You GO girl! That's awesome!
You asked the question yesterday "are we related?" After this post I can say without doubt "yup, we are."
For sure on the Etsy thing--do it.
Great fabric choices too. It's all in the fabric choices I say.
How much are you charging for one of those? Seriously!
Look how fancy YOU are! I have to say, I'm totally impressed. People would pay the big bucks! If I could even think about touching my toes, or had a yoga class to go to, I'd be banging down your door wanting one of those.
seriously....that looks great! I want to take your class. When will you be offering it here is the STL?
man that looks so professional! You go girl!!!!!
Makes me want to take up yoga... for a cool bag like that.
I love it! It almost makes me wish I did yoga...almost...
It looks store-bought. Like from Pottery Barn or something. If Pottery Barn were to offer yoga mats, that is.
And if that's your super-skinny self modeling it, I hate you.
Okay. Maybe I don't hate you.
Maybe it's something closer to jealous.
Go have a Fiber One. Or three.
oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, that's AWESOME! I love it love it love it!!!!
Very impressive! Too bad I don't do yoga! I'd be buying one of those too! hehehe
Actually though...I may hit you up for one for a birthday gift!
Wow! I love it! I wish I could do something like that.
I'm so glad I was the recipient of this gift. I feel so special!!! And best of all, now I don't have to buy one from you. :> Thanks for putting all that work into making me a special gift. You're the best, Rachel!!!
That is an awesome bag! Nicely done lady!!!
If I was a yogi - I would totally get one of those from you! You know you would make me one if I asked. YOu love me that much.
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