All of this for just a little over $100. Almost all of it is waiting for its spray paint bath.
Don't knock the puke and vomit greens. I was thinking of keeping it that way. What'ya think?Just kidding, I didn't buy the hat, but I was shocked it was for sale. For $3 nonetheless.
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1 month ago
I can't wait to see what the dresser turns out like :)
Can you come to FL to do some touch up work?
Lady, you are a thrifting genius. Can't wait to see all the goodies in their spraypainted glory.
Can you come visit me and teach me how to shop like that. I don't even know where to go.
Way to go! That is amazing!
Whaddya mean you didn't buy that hat!? That's sheer genius right there! hahahaha
Thanks for the pic, I about fell out of my chair laughing. I might have had to buy it just for grins.
You have way too much time on your hands! Get a hobby...wait, fixing that stuff IS your hobby...never mind...the green-eyed monster coming out!! I have a dresser in my garage that is SOOOO close to being done, but just don't have the time! Love ya for keeping me motivated!!!
I SO want to go thriftin' with you! Our thrift stores here don't have ANYTHING fun like that. :( Oh and how could you pass up buying that hat? Come on!! lol
Yeah, about the Prada bag. I knew someone would notice I didn't mention the price. I didn't want the 'cheap' peeps to throw virtual rocks at me. hehehe
Cute stuff! You rock the sales. Can't wait to see it in your house in your colors!
Tell me again why you didn't by that hat???
I love that chest of drawers (looks like sturdy wood) and that bookcase. Why can I so see potential in something but never know how to go about it? Tuning in here to see more of your work so I can do what you do. :)
BUY that hat. BUY.
You are out of control!!! Okay Roger!
3 dollars for that hat huh? WHY? :)
I even like the greens. In the right space? But I'm kind of clueless!
I kind of like the green dresser as is...maybe with new handles. You have a knack for turning old into new!
Are the two pieces of furniture gonna end up in Lorelai's room, or do they have another destination in mind? GREAT PIECES.
Wow, you ROCK at thrift stores! Can I go with you sometime?! I love everything yo bought--but I can only think of one thing: my husband! He'd KILL me if I brought all that stuff home! Seriously, I'd get the reprimand of my life!! How do you get away with it? Oh, and yes, the hat is a must. My aunt would really wear that...
(By the way, thank you for the email! I'll write you back soon! Three day weekend for us coming up!)
What? You didn't buy that nifty hat? He, he, he!
Can't wait to see how the awesome looking dresser turns out!
How is the unpacking going? Are you feeling settled? Do you have cool neighbors that brought you cookies and such? I sure hope so hun!
Happy TGIF day to you~ Les
i can't WAIT to see what you do with all of this stuff! and you totally missed out on the hat. i bought it.
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