August 7, 2009

Well, look who I found!

Yeah, yeah, yeah....I feel your evil stares. I hear the whispers. And I've also gotten an email or ten about how bad it is that it's been MONTHS since my last post.

My only excuse is that we've either been out of town or we've had back-to-back visitors for the last two months. We are SO blessed with so many great friends and family who want to come out and use us for the beach visit us, so I can't complain. We're only in VA for a year, so we're trying to soak it up as much as possible with those we love!!

Oh wait! I do have another excuse! Our laptop screen went out so I only have the desktop to work with. And it's holed up in the office upstairs, where I rarely go.

So, should I just pretend it's only been a few days since my last post or should I start from the beginning?

Well, I do have a list sitting here, waiting to be blogged, but I'll start with just a few things from the past few days. The most important stuff.

First of all, my best friend Kelly just had her second baby. Bristol was born on August 6th at 9:45am. She came roaring into this world after only TWO pushes, weighing ten pounds!!! What is it with all these big babies!? I AM LOVING IT!!! Welcome to the world, Bristol, and congratulations Douglas family!

Secondly, I have a new Mastercard ad to pitch, what'ya think?

First and second negative pregnancy tests........ $7.99

Third and fourth negative pregnancy tests..........$7.99

Finally reading the box and realizing said negative pregnancy tests are, in fact, NOT negative....... PRICELESS.

Yep, you read that right! Everyone say it with me now...... PRAISE.....THE ...... LOOOOOORD!!!

We have been dealing with the military healthcare red-tape the last few months and have been on no drugs or fertility treatments at all. I was still tracking my body's every move and totally had this planned. But, just like the last 29 months, I figured it probably wouldn't work. Just two weeks before we were go the next step up in our infertility treatment journey, we found out we wouldn't need it!

We don't know if God was testing our faith, or what His timing means, but we are beyond thrilled! I'm only five weeks along, and yes, I know that is soon. Our thoughts are, we would like as many people as possible praying for a healthy baby so it doesn't bother us to get the word out there early!!

We know we are so undeserving of this gift, but SO grateful and feel so blessed!!

I'll make sure to update more now, don't worry. Things are slowing down here (visitor-wise) in the Huse household, so I should have one or more of Lorelai's naptimes to put out some new blog posts.

Thank you again to everyone for all your prayers!

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karly said...


Alright, I will stop screaming, but I am just so stinkin' excited!! And, of course, I will PRAY! :)

And you know, I had to read that part of your post several times over to figure out what you were trying to tell us. I thought, "Oh, the tests she gets are NEGATIVE if there are two lines. That's strange, cuz the ones here are POSITIVE if there are two lines. Hmmm." I'm a quick one these days.

You, too, will be as confused as me in just a short while due to all those baby hormones! :)


Love and hugs to you, Rachel!!

Lexie said...

i shouted in excitement. A million congrats, rachel!!!

kmiloch said...

Awesome news!!!! Soooooooo excited for you.

The Phillips Place said...

Yesssss!!!!! I don't know which I am more excited about-- the fact that you are blogging or the fact that you are finally pregnant :)

Ah, who am I kidding? OF COURSE I am more excited about the pregnancy! I have smiled every time I thought about it yesterday and today. So very happy for you guys, and can't wait for you to keep your blog updated throughout your pregnancy :). Wink, wink.

Jessica P. said...

You are so sweet to give congrats to Kelly before announcing such exciting news! I thought I was getting what you were saying but still scrolled past the pictures to read the next line. Once I did I couldn't read any further because I was crying (Alex was so confused, LOL). When I could see through my tears enough I dialed you! Sorry if the vm is shaky. SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!

Chelsea said...

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY Really no other words will do!!!!!!!!

Rach@In His Hands said...


Can you hear me screaming!?

Oh, Rach, I was thinking about you this week and wondering how you've been!! WONDERFUL, I can see!!!

This is the most amazing news....I'm in happy tears and praising God for this incredible, perfect gift!! He is SO good.

Sending you HUGE hugs, my Sister.

That totally made my week....

Jenny said...

HURRAY for your family!! I will be saying a prayer everyday!!!

joey said...


Brittany said...


So happy for you!!!!!! Yeah for 2010 babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord, you will be in my prayers and thoughts!
Take care of yourself and that baby bean!

Joanne and Deric said...

I just left a comment on facebook but I am still busting with excitement for you!!! Yahhhhhoooooo for youuuuuuu!
There is nothing like hearing about blessings, just nothing!

Emily said...

Thats AWESOME! I am so happy for you.. I know how long you have been trying.

God is good!!!!!


Unknown said...

Wooot! Congrats Huse Family. :)

I take back what I said about not liking children- I love babies. I love children that need me. :)

Jamie said...

Congratulations! Praise the Lord!

BreAnna Fowler said...

How do you know you are pregnant? It took four pregnancy tests to figure out you needed to read the directions! LOL

Congratulations!!! So super excited I can hardly contain myself!

Praying and thanking the One who is forming that little one even now!

Tim and Stef McKean said...

Yay! Congrats!!

suzspeaks said...

I'm glad you're back!! And... Congratulations!!!!

Uma and Wil said...

Congratulations! What a way to rejump your blogging!

Rebecca said...

I too just screamed out loud and scared both my husband and son. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!! Steve and I are soooo excited for you both and looking forward to the continued blog posts on this pregnancy.
Count us in as one of your prayer warriors this pregnancy.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I am SOOOOO thrilled for you! I know this is an answer to many, many prayers. I'm praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Go Rachel, Go Rachel, It's a baby, It's a baby. I guess I should have said Rachel and JD. He did have something to do with it. Congrats to your family. I knew it would happen. God is good. Your life has been blessed with patience. Which you are going to need when you have the triplets. Ha! You made my day. Congrats and hugs your way.
Aunt Tina

Monica said...


Secondly what makes you even think for one moment that you two are not deserving? Are you crazy? You are one of the nicest people I have gotten to meet this year and you are totally deserving of this little one.

My cup overfloweth for you!

Toni said...

Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! I am sooooo happy for you! Having gone down this same road (mine was not as long and windy) for a first, then second child, I know how exciting that positive test is! Oh can't wait to read about the progress! Will keep you, your family and your little blessing in my prayers!


Mixed Up Chromosomes said...

I am so happy for ya'll!!! I was thinking and hoping that it would happen any time now. So are you going to strive for a 10lber? I'll keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

NEW BABY Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
So fantastic news. All my prayers coming your way.

BLOG Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Margaret R

Mrs. Fabulous said...

This is the first blog I've read this morning and it's the BEST NEWS EVER!

God heard the prayers of us all and has blessed you!

I will continue to pray for you and your new little one!!!!!!


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

So, so excited for you!! I have only been reading your blog for a while, but I already know what an amazing blessing this is!!!!

Praying for your family.

Anonymous said...


I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What awesome news to come back to!

Sarah Rose said...

Rachel, I think of you often... and have prayed for you and this little miracle at every remembrance! HOW EXCITING! Those two lines are so beautiful!

Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow...especially beautiful baby blessings!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

How awesome. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

When I saw you had posted, I almost fell out of my chair! This is news I've been waiting to hear for so long and am so excited.

Love you,

Childress Family said...

Oh I'm rejoicing with you and I WILL be praying!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...Praise the Lord!!!!! We are so excited!!!!! Can't wait to see Lorelai as a big sister!!!!
We love you guys!!!!
Wow, my soon to be 6th grandchild!!!

Love ya, Granny and Papa

Esther Rose said...

That.Is.So.Cool! Congrats! =) I'm super,duper happy for you.

Shannon said...

I love you! I am so stinkin happy for you it hurts! God is a funny dude and you just weren't getting his sense of humor til now! It is so amazing to see the prayer of so many people for so long answered. I just know this baby is going to be incredible. To be wanted so long and so much...this baby will be blessed, as will all of us who have been with you through this!

I can't wait to see you!

thetoothchick said...

You have my prayers. I am just so, so excited for you. Please blog more now so we can stay on top of this pregnancy.

Jesstern said...

Oh, that is so fantastic! I'm so happy for you guys! God is good!

Jan Mosier said...

Congratulations, Rachel & JD! We are so happy for you - and are praising the Lord with you!!!

Lucky Irish Gal said...

That is so wonderful! Congrats on the blessing. I will keep you in my prayers. I nice calm, easy pregnancy!

Ashley said...

WOW!!! Praise God! Congratulations! So happy for you guys!!

Lori said...

Okay sorry I am the late poster here but


I am sooo happy for you and JD!

Kallie said...


I can't believe that you waited until the end of that post to tell the awesome news!!!!!!! I saw the prego ticker and thought...wait a sec, did I miss something!

Oh, Rachel, I am beyond thrilled, what an answer to prayer! We'll definitely be praying some more that this is a healthy pregnancy!!

Oh my gosh I'm so EXCITED....

Tara said...

Doing the happy dance!!!! Awesome news and well worth the wait!!!

Rachel said...

Congratulation!!!! What news to bring you back! I hope you will post again before the little bundle of joy arrives! ;) Ha, ha! Again so happy for you!

swilek said...

CONGRATS from CANADA!! I'm so happy for you guys! God is good and His timing is the best!!

Julie Z. said...

WOO-HOO from the BAYOU!! Such awesome news...I can't wait to tell Jon. We will be praying for a great pregnancy :0)

KDoug said...

I am so excited...that I knew first. Heehee!! In all seriousness, we couldn't be happier for you guys. I am just thrilled that you'll be entering the world of 4 and will hopefully be here at Bragg. I did bust out my Team Huse shirt last night. And, I've been collecting all my maternity clothes to pass along. We are super thrilled. I'm just so excited. It's almost like being pregnant again because I can go through it all over with you!!!!!!

We love you!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes... PRAISE THE LORD for this wonderful blessing! I am beyond thrilled for you!!! I will be looking forward to your posts and praying feverently for you all!!
Hugs Momma!!

Jackie said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh, Rachel, this is so thrilling...amazing...absolutely wonderful! God is so good. And reading your story gives ne hope that it could happen for me too! :) Love it!