I know it's been a few weeks since we went camping, but whatever. I'm so tired lately. I have had no motivation to do much of anything. I wish I could say that instead of blogging, I'm decorating, or going to thrift stores and creating masterpieces.
The truth is, instead of blogging, I'm sleeping. Or eating.
I figured it was time to tell you all about our camping, though. I've had a few requests for pictures. So, here goes....
JD and I arrived at the campsite. We were meeting our friends, the Krapfs (ha ha - that will always make me laugh, sorry Kathi!) and we arrived first. Not a good thing. Because this was our campsite.
Remember, I don't do this sort of thing, so to me, this looked like a ditch. And I promptly called Kathi to tell her we'd be sleeping in the ditch. Or she would be and I would be in my car. On the way to a hotel.
She convinced me to stay, so we set up our tent, but it was already dark.
Note to self: NEVER arrive at a campsite after 5pm.
Scratch that. Note to self: NEVER arrive at a campsite without a camper.
That night I barely slept. After laying around in her sleeping bag for DAYS before the camping trip, Lorelai finally decided she didn't want to be in hers that night, she wanted to be in mine. I obliged and then regretted it for the next 7 hours, when I wasn't sleeping.
The next morning though, Kathi mostly made up for it by preparing a really really good meal. We had thick-cut bacon. I'm pretty sure JD thought he had died and gone to heaven. He only gets turkey bacon here at our house. She also made scrambled eggs and diced potatoes. Everything was yummy and I was happier.
Do we look like Sanford and Sons or what!?
That afternoon, this happened.
Yep, it's a snake. And Eric told me not to worry because it had already eaten something.
It took about 10 minutes and two burly men (Eric and JD) to finally get him beheaded back into nature.
The rest of the time the kids played in the hammock, counting the Daddy Long Legs they found.
(AJ, Lorelai and Darby)
They goofed around...
Daddy and Lorelai danced to their own music, because really...in the woods, the only music is cicadas (of which I have heard ENOUGH), and neighbor campers sneaking into camp in the middle of the night and leaving before daylight.
Lorelai made friends with Kathi and Eric's dog, Bernie Mac the local wildlife
Eric fed his six-month-old twins chocolate when Kat wasn't looking. I told you I'd dime you out!
Then the kids went horse-back riding at Foster Falls Livery.
Why is there no picture of Lorelai on a horse? That's because just seconds before she hopped onto Tex's back, the camera battery died. And I would have plugged it in the night before, but .... WE WERE CAMPING IN A TENT!
Eric snapped a few photos of her on his iPhone, but I'm guessing after the chocolate pictures appear on their computer, he'll be holding them for ransom.
What I haven't told you is that the second and subsequent nights, Kathi provided me with an air mattress/cot which made sleeping MUCH easier and more manageable. For me. Poor JD then got the privilege of having Lorelai steal his sleeping bag. She also provided yummy meals for us three times a day. I can't complain at ALL about that!
Aside from the fact that being in an open area, like a KOA campground, with a two-year-old makes my heart palpitate, we all made it home safely.
I told JD that I would try camping one more time. But, I won't pretend I like it if I don't. I just don't GET camping. It's not relaxing to me. I was chasing Lorelai around most of the time. The rest of the time I was realizing that I have a problem being idle. It doesn't come naturally for me.
I wish I had some witty way to wrap this thing up, but I don't. Like I said, no motivation.
Good night....until next time (which will most likely be in another few weeks).
Welcome to our family site!
5 years ago
The Sanford and Sons comment made me laugh out loud...
You are crazy. Camping would make me a nervous wreck with little ones... And your friends? Did I catch that right? Camping with 4 kids? Insane.
Looks like you had a nice chance to be with good friends though. Even if it was camping :/
HALARIOUS!!! I am still laughing. Sanford and Sons!!! HAHAHA...You have such a great way with words! I am glad you tried camping and are willing to do it again, or atleast one more time! Note to self...When JD and Rachel come to Hawaii..let's plan to camp on the big island!!! Just kidding of course!
Forgot to mention that I LOVE Lorelai's shoes..too cute!
You were sooooo brave. I have never been camping since a child and will NEVER do it again. My needs are too great. Well done. I totally understand how you felt.
Margaret R.
I tried talking Wil into camping in the Alps, but I think anything having to do with tents (unless they serve beer inside) pretty much never will happen. He always rolls his eyes and starts with "lemme tell you about living in the dessert in a tent for a year..." You are a very good sport! The pictures are hilarious!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Sanford & Sons comment!
At least your pictures all make it look like you had a wonderrful time, no crying, no fits, no grumpy faces and Lorelai & JD looked like she had fun too
Better you than me my friend. I don't think camping is meant for people with young children. I told you I would totally go camping with you as long as it involved a cabin and air conditioning. I'm game! Or, at least a camper.
Just think - next time you camp you'll probably have a 3 year old and a baby. Even better!!!
I LOATHE camping.
I prefer cleanliness and hygiene, thanks.
At least you were a good sport about it. :)
Rach, I am so proud of you, that post was not nearly as bad as I would have thought:) I think it was even nice enough....for you to consider going again!!!
That is too funny (hopefully you are laughing about it now) :) You MUST come out with us in the camper. It's a totally different camping experience!
A snake = me in the car. Ewwww. Looks like it was fun though!
You really should write for a magazine....
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